I haven't watched the video yet, but as mentioned in the other thread, I also read quite a bit about Ms. Crowther toward the end of last year and came to a similar conclusion. I'm not one to believe what I read or watch until I really dig much deeper, but after spending time gathering info, I did indeed come to that conclusion.
Of course, this is nothing new. Whether it involves Native American wisdom or other spiritual paths, there are those who take advantage and why we all know we must use discernment. It's one of the reasons I may connect to a message but stay detached from the messenger and don't attend seminars or webinars that involve fees; something feels very off about the proliferation of "leaders" charging to hear their "wisdom." I read spiritual things as I do political things -- to be exposed to various insights and opinions. I pretty much rebel against anyone telling me what I should do or believe, whether it's people quoting the bible or a New Ager channeling something they tout as a truth for everyone. I'm surely not going to pay to hear it; I'm not sure I'll pay to read it any longer, either.
I realize we all must support ourselves, financially, in some way, and it's best (on all levels) to do so via our passions and gifts, if possible, so I'm really conflicted about this.
I'm going to say something really unpopular now but, for whatever reason, I'm compelled to finally say it out loud. ;)
Personally, I think it's all well and good for people to authentically engage in "sacred commerce" by using spiritual tools, be it readings of any sort, distance healing, etc. There are traditional and nontraditional methods of healing, and unless someone is proven to be fraudulent, who are we to judge what works for another? We must, of course, always use discernment, imho.
But the rise in the number "life coaches" over the last few years is astounding to me. My impression is that people are basically being paid to be a friend. Maybe it's the term "life coach" that puts me off; maybe if it were called something else it wouldn't bug me so much. I guess it's part of the whole reality TV trend that turns my stomach, and the many "motivational coaches" all around.
It just seems to be one more way people give away their power. We all have the wisdom within; why do so many pay others -- people who often don't have the resources to spend on such things -- to coach them?
Maybe I should look at it as another form of healing. Maybe then it wouldn't bother me so. The whole life coach and spiritual leader and motivational guide stuff really feels inauthentic to me, putting some people above others. Dear Goddess, everyone and their brother has written a book about their life wisdom; it seems to be approaching critical mass as far as the ratio of the number of books on this subject to the number of available readers...:rofl:
Seems to me we'd all be better served to look within and really listen to our inner voice rather than the cacophony of "wisdom" which surrounds us. That said, I realize some need guidance and encouragement to GET to the place of listening to that inner voice; that's where I'm conflicted about the various services offered.
Just sharing something that is really bugging me lately...