Hi Lefty,
I wrote a bit on the subject above in my daily forecast for last Monday. I've copied the relevant passage below. I did find it interesting that the day of the alleged Rapture "coincided" with a hard connection between nebulous Neptune in Pisces and the Sun in "information junkie" Gemini:
(from the daily astro-logical forecast):
"Getting back to things "spacey." This week features a challenge between nebulous Neptune and the Sun, suggesting bewilderment, refinement, confusion, transcendence, fantasy and other means of escape. This challenge is exact in the early AM hours on Sunday, shortly after the world is allegedly coming to an end on May 21st
http://www.businessinsider.com/world-ends-may-21-2011-5 While the Scorpio Full Moon on Tuesday, followed by a connection between Venus-Mars and Pluto on the 20th does suggest the potential for "news from the underground" (including seismic activity), my sense is that it is far more likely that those who firmly believe the world is ending on the 21st will wake up feeling very confused on the 22nd when they discover the world is still here. Should be an interesting week of revelations and very creative spin."
All best,