Even if the Sun is quick-thinking, neighborly if sometime frivolous air-sign Gemini this week, Venus, Mars and Mercury in earthy Taurus will keep us grounded. Taurus is all about the material, a word which comes from matter, mater, the mother, the stuff and substance of the world. This line-up in Taurus asks us to feel the life force pulsing in the burgeoning earth around us and let it feed our joy and our health, it sings to us to use our senses in all sorts of delightful ways. But it can also tweak our tails and encourage us to want things or people-- whether or not it would be productive to have them-- and to feel unusually territorial about what and who we do have. The cure for the Taurus acquisitiveness and jealousy, which can be intense, is to see the sacredness of the growing trees, baby birds and young love, and tune into the abundance and generosity of the flowering world. It also feels good to pick up a tool and build, so help a neighbor.
To use a garden metaphor, we may be happy the sunlight and rain and reach soil feed the beans and pansies, but then notice that ragweed is also flourishing. This planetary line-up calms nerves but can also feed a bull-like determination behind arguments, the deep rooting, growing energy is lovely where we are already content, it can help us continue on our path when we’re tired or weary, but discontent can also take root and stubbornness can nourish ongoing conflicts. Our weather systems can have the same pattern, lovely and sunny until a storm kicks up, but then the clouds mean business. It’s not an easy time to change minds, we can seduce people to a new idea, we can set firm boundaries, but we cannot push people where they do not want to go.
The Moon is in self-determined, inventive Aries as this holiday weekend begins; we’re so ready to let go of other people’s expectations and wander to our own rhythms but it may have to finish business or deal with unexpected responsibilities first. Saturday is a great day to wander, the more spontaneous it is, and the more it rests our soul. Sunday and Monday we slow down and get into an earthier renewing mode. On Wednesday a partial solar eclipse/ New Moon in nervy, funny Gemini can highlight were our ideas are having trouble manifesting, or where we need to let go of a word out approach and try a new idea.
Generally the New Moon in Gemini may be hard to sleep through but alight with social buzz, great for the sound bites of speed-dating and social networking. But this eclipse could also trigger a replacement or loss of face of prominent people, or make and break treaties. Mercury, ruler of Gemini, is in Taurus and conjuncts the fixed star Algol who has a tough reputation for those in leadership positions but not for the rest of the folk. We can use this eclipse mood constructively, if we have a bad habit, idea, or old concept passed down in the family that runs us even when we know better, we can depose it this week and find a fresh mindset.
I'll be out experiencing all this at WAKARUSA for the next week...hoping for sunshine!