Things have been so heavy lately, and things are falling apart at such an alarming rate (Neptune & Pluto) faster than you can say dis-in-te-gra-tion, that I thought I might lighten up a bit.
This chapter was to be the final chapter of my upcoming book: “The Exquisite Zodiac – Why the Signs Are the Way They Are” – expected out this summer.
Thousands of astrology books tell you WHAT each sign is like, but I’ve yet to see a book that tells you WHY each sign is as it is. In the book, 7 major principles are delineated that show what separates one sign from another. We commonly classify Virgos as picky, but why? We hear of Cancers as being sensitive, but why is that? Why are Scorpios associated with sex? These and hundreds of other questions are addressed in the book because I show you down deep, what really makes each sign tick. It should give you a much greater understanding of all the 12 signs and how they are all interconnected.
I decided to omit this chapter from the book, because to me it really didn’t fit as an eighth principle; so why not give you a preview of what some of the book is like? So, I’ll present to you my Final Chapter.
Each Sign Can Only Do What It Can Do
Each Sign is Busy Doing What it Does and is Not Busy Doing What it Doesn’t Do
When one truly understands the nature of each sign it’s much easier to comprehend another’s total spectrum of behavior. In a perfect world, we would all express a well-balanced blend of all 12 of the zodiacal archetypes. In the real world, however, most of have an emphasis on 4 or 5 signs in our birth chart and tend to favor our Sun sign to a great degree.
The archetypes of the 12 signs are specific energy patterns and need to be expressed to their fullest in the most pure form possible. Naturally, each sign can be ill-represented or even twisted and deviate from its pure intention, if you will. This is why it behooves us to know about the true nature of each archetype.
Aries – is in a hurry. Aries is made to go! That simple. It is not made to wait, delay, be cautious or think of other’s needs. It sees something – it wants it – it goes after it. Their beauty is simplicity and innocence. We must understand their impulses. They don’t go from point A to point B, bypassing you in the middle in order to slight you or snub you.
They simply have to get to point B
Theirs is the symbol of the Ram. This is no coincidence. The Ram head-butts its way through life’s experiences. Sometimes innocent bystanders get bruised in the process. These strong archetypal impulses are not going to be denied. If they are, the Aries dies in some fashion – and, we can’t have that. There are few things sadder, astrologically speaking, other than an Aries native who has been taught to squelch their own fire.
Aries is not going to shoot itself in the foot so that you can get what you want – they take care of themselves because they have to. They have things to do, so they do it.
They can’t slow down. They act impulsively. This sign does not move with pre-thought or caution – it just goes after it. Moving in this fashion keeps the Aries archetype light and fiery. They don’t think of themselves as innocent – they know nothing else! This child-like sign is precisely what is necessary at this introductory stage – pure uncomplicated being.
Taurus – Let’s slow this thing down a bit! Taurus is in nooo hurry. This powerful Earth sign inherits a world that has been too frenzied. Taurus instinctively understands that the Arian wind will blow us all away if it is allowed to continue unabated. Now, its instinct is to stay put, dig in, and moor itself to the roots of the land.
If that tends to make the Taurus boring, so be it. They’d rather watch reruns on TV than subject themselves to the chaos of a frenetic lifestyle. You can’t hurry a Taurus because they are busy erecting a permanent home and they will not allow another to alter their sure and steady pace – like the tree Ents from Tolkein’s Trilogy. These things take time. Because of this staid sign, we have a basis upon which to center our actions.
As with all Earth archetypes, they will atrophy without enough change and movement. Taurus’ tree can’t survive with only roots. Its limbs must reach upward and outward towards the Sun for its life-giving nutrients. That is their challenge.
This sign feels content with jobs that are repetitive and consistent. Other signs would blow a gasket confined to those limitations.
To Taurus, sameness is comforting and secure
If you are a shoe salesman, don’t bother stopping at their door. “Comfortable”, “old,” and “worn” shoes are their number one preferences.
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