need to process, process, process. If we’re lucky, we’ll be doing some of that in a hammock or while dancing in the streets. But our minds may not let up this week, and want to mull over the past, present and future. Our world is changing in big ways and small, and we need to figure out what we’re going to do about it. This week we may not solve all the problems but will need to talk it all over.
Tectonic plates do the cha-cha. Winds and waters stay active and can switch directions as often as people’s opinions. Our own day may be fine, but the big weather systems may be the underlying cause of potential loss around the globe. Pay attention, work with this, and let it be thought provoking. Talk about what the shifting worlds and changing weather systems mean, how it affects us and what we may need to do about it.
All this and more are triggered as the personal planets (last week Mercury, the Sun this week and Venus over the next few weeks) move into the fourth corner of a square with slower-moving, era-changing Pluto, Saturn, and Uranus at the other corners, reminding us that these changes are personal, not just far away headlines.
It’s a sociable week; since we need to talk we might as well talk about something of substance. The Sun and Mercury in Cancer asks us to take care of our home, however we define it, and kick back and get cozy with our chosen family. Venus and Mars in highly-verbal flirtatious Gemini would rather talk to newcomers and process with the community, and can give us some distance from our personal issues so we can talk about them.
more and daily codes to follow: