A fire is burning in Los Alamos; you tell me the Earth isn’t intelligent.
Charting During the Trial of Casey Anthony
Casey Anthony
March 19, 1986
No known birth time
Warren, OH
Solar chart where the Sun’s degree = rising degree
Today is July 1, 2011
It is astrologically intriguing to follow the case of Casey Anthony, on trial facing murder charges for allegedly killing her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee, in Orange County, FL on 6/16/08.
Unfortunately, there is no known birth time for Casey. Birth times are critical to astrologers because then, we can accurately place each of the 11 planets within the proper “houses” of the chart, i.e., fields of experience. Since none is known, astrologers commonly rely on two other methods to cast a chart. 1) is a solar chart where the ascending degree (or beginning of the first house) is the same degree as the Sun. 2) the second method is an old, tried and true method of estimating the person as having been born at noon.
Both charts will surprise you with their accuracy and also show you just how flexible, solid and holographic the basis of astrology seems to be.
First, we take a look at her solar chart. Since the Moon is listed at 10 degrees of Cancer on that day at noon, and since the Moon commonly swings within a 13 degree arc during the day of birth, her actual lunar position could be anywhere from 6 to 19 degrees. This is a very wide range of tolerance and is very important to keep in mind for this case.
Even so, Casey is a Pisces with a Moon in Cancer. This clearly paints her initially as a very tender and emotional woman. Mercury was found in retrograde in Pisces, scheduled to turn direct by progression around her 12th year. That means that somehow, she didn’t get it all together mentally or verbally until she was 12 or so. Venus is in aggressive Aries and found in the 1st house and at the top of a T-square to a Moon-Neptune opposition. This clearly shows indications of being deluded with great possibilities of lying to others and temptations toward great exaggeration. Drug and alcohol abuse are also indicated. The Venus in Aries gets all the expression from that particular T-square. It gets emphasized, and IT’s motto is, “What about me?” Very selfish.
Keeping in mind that we are dealing with a normally unselfish Pisces means little here as selfish tendencies from other areas of the chart can very easily overwhelm the entire selfless nature of its basis. The Sun being in square to fiery Mars and Uranus in wild Sagittarius adds to the reckless nature of this evolving diagram. “Young” planets such as the Moon in Cancer and Venus in Aries are very prone to “delusions in love” with their powerful aspects to strong Neptune in Capricorn. She sees what she wants to see and wants it all right now. No delayed satisfaction for her.
Mars gets added encouragement from crazy Uranus in Sag. Just do it! And these fiery, restless impulses overwhelm her kinder, gentler nature that was the initial canvas, the Sun in Pisces and the Moon in Cancer. A stationary Saturn in Sagittarius (not moving forward or retrograde) certainly raises suspicion of a father or mother who had not bonded with her at an early age. (or that’s how she saw it). We learn that she forced her mother into the role of the enabler.
My opinion early on is that she was simply impossible to guide from an early age on. But, it is still early here in this “reading.”
A powerful Grand Trine is found between Pluto, Moon and Jupiter all in Water signs. And remember, her Sun and Moon are also both in Water. This clearly means that she knows how she feels (at least for the moment) and isn’t going to change for anybody! And when your chart is over-focused upon how YOU FEEL, that’s all that matters; how YOU FEEL. PERIOD. Even though with Jupiter involved, she’s likely to be quite fickle in reality. A Water Grand Trine means that the person usually feels that they are very self-assured in regard to matters of the heart. Many times, however, they would do well to accept outside guidance. The Jupiter-Pluto entanglement shows quite a tendency towards power-struggles. She will get what she wants.
The mother, Cindy, is Gemini, Moon in Aquarius and the father, George, is Virgo with Moon in Scorpio, possibly Libra.
Note the Kite pattern dumping out at Casey’s Neptune in her Solar 10th house, more signs of escapism and not being necessarily fond of the truth. This woman has a great need to escape perceived restrictions. The stationary Saturn in opposition to the wound, Chiron, causes my eyebrows to rise. Due to lack of love early on (or perceived lack of love) this can easily lead to perversion of many types or at minimum, abnormal responses during intimacy, i.e., unpredictable giggling at rather serious moments. A troubling inconjunct (150° aspect) between that stiff Saturn Rx and the sensitive Moon is possible, depending upon where the Moon really is deposited (emotionally cold). Another certain inconjunct is apparent between heavy Pluto and Chiron indicating that her karmic wound is very deep indeed.
Another massive sign of escapism comes from the Saturn(s) opposition to Chiron that forms another T-square to Jupiter in Pisces in the escapist 12th house! This also sets a natal “promise” of some jail time at some point in her life. Note: she has been in jail ever since transiting Neptune (ruler of Pisces and the 12th house) has entered the 12th in the past 2-3 years. The current trial is taking place because transiting Saturn is sitting rather stationary across from her outlet to her Venus in Aries. Saturn brings things to a stop; justly. Saturn (the Judge) makes you face responsibilities for what you have or haven’t done.
To find Casey’s feelings about her daughter, we look to her fifth house, the house of children. Not only is her fifth house ruled by her Moon in Cancer but we also find itself opposite Neptune! (escape, irresponsibility, water.) She needs to see her child as simply, not there, invisible! No longer an obstacle.
That is how Casey copes, if she doesn’t want to see it,
then it isn’t there, and you really don’t see it either, do you?
Why? Because in addition to all of this, her THREE PLANETS IN SAGITTARIUS, MARS, URANUS AND SATURN wanna party! That’s why. And they all follow suit to her agitated Venus in selfish Aries.
As far as a verdict: none of these specific indicators say “guilty” by themselves, but when you add up the whole chart, even without the accurate birth time, things don’t look too good for this young lady.
The key to Casey’s chart is her Moon in Cancer in conjunction with all the other factors. If her body language says anything to me during her trial, it says: “All of you are against me, I’ll get even; you don’t know who you’re messing with.” She has nothing but disdain for everyone. When one falls prey to the very dark shadow-side of Cancer, blaming the parents is unfortunately very common. When you combine all of the escapism of Pisces/Neptune with the grand selfishness of the accentuated Venus in Aries and add to that the 3 planets in frolicking Sagittarius, you have the recipe for a person who is prone to doing anything to get away from her responsibilities and limitations. She feels that no one understands her because very few others have charts like hers. Hers is so rare. Others don’t understand her. She lives in castles in the skies made of lies and deceptions, in my opinion. Could she have gone as far as killing her daughter so she could be free? It’s highly likely.
To her, it wasn’t murder, much like Scott Peterson’s chart, each of them were looking for ways to get around bothersome aspects of their life.
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