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Distance Energy Healing--the EASY way

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Home » Discuss » DU Groups » Religion & Spirituality » Astrology, Spirituality & Alternative Healing Group Donate to DU
Celebration Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-07-11 03:06 PM
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Distance Energy Healing--the EASY way
Distance Energy Healing--the EASY way

Anyone can do treatments by distance, easily! This gives instructions on how to use the meditationslideshow clearings (or any clearings) by distance for anyone, anywhere, by changing your computer screen into a vision board/symbolic radionics device. Think outside the box! You can do it if I can do it. It is easy. I am using Windows 7. For older operating systems you might need to use Photobucket (or other image site) images in the windows. This really works, whether you make your own clearing slideshows or use mine. Good luck!

By the way, I worked hard on making this video. Since most of the treatments that I do are by distance, I am certain this method works, at least for me, so I really wanted to get decent instructions up for people to use this either for my posted videos or whatever they want.

The breakthrough was some free software that I found that records what you do on your video screen. And how did I find this? Well, I use a freebie, but I found this guy's videos SO helpful--

You all have to check out Khan Academy. I needed more than a brushup on microbiology, and I based my latest two clearing videos on the guy's tutorials, which I think are brilliant. As long as they are attributed and not sold, you are allowed to use them elsewhere. I wonder what he would thing of these?

Neuron I

Neuron II

These two neuron slideshow clearings should change a weak muscle test response for "obsessive", "compulsive", and "focus" to a positive muscle test response. It seems to have made a really big difference for my grandson. I mean, he still talks about tornados and hurricanes a lot :eyes: but he seems much more laid back and less stressed out, and doesn't seem to complain about his mom's clothing choices for him and various other things.
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