Here's what I posted in the Lauren Gorgo thread to One Grass Root when she was asking about the upcoming comets:
Yes, there's lots of talk about comet Elenin and Nibiru. There's several alignments coming up with earth over the next few weeks and months. And supposedly Elenin was aligned with earth the day of the big Japan quake. Look up Jelaila Starr on youtube. She does updates and seems to be reliable from what I can tell. There's also a guy who has some very interesting pics of what he says are Nibiru and Elenin and you can look him up as well. His name on youtube is blueskyg1. He seems a little "out there" but the pictures are pretty incredible. The pics he has show something red and blue in the sky and I've wondered if it's the Hopi prophecy of the red and blue kachina's. You can google that and you'll get tons of information on it. There's also something about the comet Honda that is passing by earth this week I think. Carl Calleman, the Mayan Calendar expert recently wrote an article about what's going on with the comets that was pretty interesting. Also interesting, is that much of this coincides with the end date of the Mayan Calendar of October 28th 2011. Lots going on out there and it's mind boggling! Here's a link to Calleman's website. Click on "Summary of Articles" and it's the June 23rd article.