I had a strong impression that the space would work for us. Thanks so much for the explanation.
It's been a time of big shifts for us, mostly to the positive. All of a sudden opportunities are popping up for me, modest opportunities, but one can dream. I shed a lot of relationships last year including my lit. agent, and now after ten years of no response career-wise, I've performed blues poetry in a NYC jazz club, been queried by a small publisher, and am having an excerpt from my latest novel published in an anthology by the Cherokee Arts & Humanities Council. On the other hand, our big kitty, Jake, had to have rather drastic surgery, we've had an earthquake, and tonight we are expecting a hurricane.
Last fall, a psychic reader told me that I could not come into my own until the fall of this year. She also told me that I should speak out at every opportunity and that my voice would be heard. So, I wrote a play! I understand your caution to be mindful of intentions and actions. At least I've finally reached a level of maturity that enables me to keep my mouth closed when I am not in balance with my emotions.
#111 it is! :woohoo: