Orgone Energy has intrigued me since 2000, and I don't know yet whether I have actually felt it or not. The more I read about it, the more I find out that there
is to read. A little background seems in order and I'll try not to ramble.
It was early in 1999 when I began to notice that the trails left by jet aircraft no longer dissipated the way they had done all my life. They would absolutely cover the sky and spread to where they would dim the sunlight. Something was definitely amiss, it seemed, so I began poking around the Internet. This was before I'd ever encountered the word
Chemtrails (such a loaded term) and I didn't even know what to call what it was that I was looking for!
The first remedy that popped up on a search was
Cloudbuster. (It was named in honor of Wilhelm Reich, but it is NOTHING like his machine!) This device purported to be able to rid the sky of the jet trails through the use of Orgone Energy, as produced by a substance called
Orgonite.Before I built what is more accurately called a Chemtrail Buster, I made some smaller Orgonite things called
Tower Busters, so named for their purported ability to negate harmful emissions that supposedly come from cell phone towers.
The making of Orgonite devices is called simple, but it's awfully messy and stinky to boot. It involves mixing equal amounts of metal chips, casting resin and one or more quartz crystals, depending on your intuition. So I made three pint-size Tower Busters in the Spring of 2003--and was simply
amazed at what happened! First thing was, I felt a warmth in my heart chakra whenever I'd get within five feet of the things. Second thing was, the skies over my city were immediately freed of the jet trails and turned the most beautiful Cobalt Blue for a week or so. (I was later told that this seemed impossible, given the small number of devices, but I figured it was the first Orgonite that had ever been made in the place and decided to trust what I saw.)
Thus encouraged, I built my first (so-called) Cloudbuster on the Fifth of May, 2003. During her construction, freaky things ensued. First, she named herself Lucy In The Sky; the name came into my head completely unbidden, while I was doing something unrelated to the process. Second, during the pouring and curing, I took her base out of the mold and held it in my lap. Though I was pointing downhill,
it leaned up toward me--against gravity. Then, I took the base outside to cut and fit the copper pipes. It was 12:15 PM when I began. When I came back
inside, at least three hours later, every clock in the house read 12:20!
I set Lucy up in the back yard, close to a small pond. Within a week, my plants and flowers had gone absolutely wild. By the end of summer, I had hollyhocks that were eight feet tall. Birds couldn't get enough of the place and squirrel fur was so sleek and shiny that it seemed to glow in the dark. This was all in keeping with what I had read about the supposed benefits of Orgonite and "Cloudbusters." My Sister, who is very energy-sensitive, said it made her weak in the knees to get near Lucy.
In 2004, I built another "Cloudbuster" for my Sister. At its construction site (some 60 miles South of Lucy), hydrangeas grew a foot inside of a month's time. Moreover, the hellishly hot weather at the end of July
broke (also in keeping with what I had read). The temperature dropped ten degrees and held there for a week--and it rained on the second day!
No, these devices are NOT miracles. Their effectiveness seems to diminish within 90 days or so, and it also seems to be better if you build them yourself, rather than buying them from a supplier. I got my third "Cloudbuster" from a place in California and, while it was effective, it never did seem as "tuned in" as the ones I built with my own hands and my own
intent.So, is this the
real Orgone Energy that Reich discovered? Damned if I know to this day, but I CAN tell you that it is utterly beneficial and plants LOVE it! I would be MOST interested in hearing what ASAH members discern about all this...
Curiously Yours,