This article is talking about some of the same transits you mention. Does that have any emphasis for your
personal chart? This is snipped from a much longer article.
(Wish I could contribute something personally, but I'm not very conversant with Astrology.)
The Full Moon chart is fertile with sacred geometry gifting us with both a Grand Trine in earth signs and a Grand Square in mutable signs. Portals and signposts along the path are luminous. Let's look at the Grand Square or Cross first. The Sun opposite Moon on the Virgo/Pisces axis (19º) are squaring the North and South Nodes on the Sagittarius/Gemini axis (18º). The Nodes bring to the fore where our current spiritual growth is taking place and what is being brought over from the past. The fire energy of North Node Sag energizes us to expand our horizons into broader fields of consciousness, to take the global view, and have faith in our intuition, to develop a closer relationship with Spirit, examine our belief systems, and to educate ourselves. South Node Gemini suggests multitasking and external mental stimulation so readily available may be highly overrated as a growth path resulting in superficiality and exhaustion. Letting go of our reliance on the mind is mandatory. The Nodes will remain in Sag/Gemini for another year, but this Full Moon chart pointedly and strongly activates them. The squares to the Sun (identity) and Moon (feelings) make it a very personal challenge to look at how we are participating in the evolution of consciousness on the planet. Is your life headed in the direction you want it to go? Could your ratio of nature to technology use some adjustment? Are your four pillars of life - True Work, True Rest, True Study and True Play in balance?