Edited on Mon Sep-19-11 01:46 PM by BlueIris
I looooove Bach flower essences, and most flower essences generally. However, contrary to popular belief, they do have some drawbacks. Those issues are something I wish people on this website in particular had warned me about before I tried them.
You are right to be wary of the potential emotional fall out from using these products. Flower essences, and most homeopathic items, have the potential to create something called a healing crisis. Basically, the emotional imbalances you're trying to sort out could get worse before they get better. I would liken it to stretching out a sore muscle; the energy vibrations you're working on could be very "kinked up," and straightening them out could take some time.
A warning--a healing crisis can be extremely painful. I've had a bad reaction to an anti-depressant, and I've been experienced a healing crisis from a Bach's remedy (Larch, if you must know.) The healing crisis was just as bad as the reaction to the prescription med. Also, it wasn't possible for me to "work through" it, it was that bad.
There are lots of people who would claim that if it happens to you, you should just keep using the homeopathy until it goes away. If you ask me, that advice is coming from a) people who haven't been there and therefore stupidly believe there's nothing "all that bad" about a healing crisis, or b) people trying to push product in natural/organic food stores. Or c) I guess, people who are so ignorant about what homeopathy can do that they really have no idea what they are talking about.
Since you ask about having a therapist in reserve--up to you, but I won't lie, it IS possible to have a severe crisis as a result of using these products. So, securing access to a mental health professional is not the worst idea. But...if you start having such a reaction, I wouldn't try to force yourself to keep using the essence, therapist or no therapist. At all. Just ditch it, and try to address the problem another way. IMO, if an issue is so significant that homeopathy kicks off that kind of pain, it's not appropriate to try to resolve it through a flower essence alone.
I really recommend using a pendulum to pick out your Bach's, or any kind of homeopathy. It could help you avoid picking a product you would be better off avoiding.
Lastly, Bach's is only one of like 250 different flower essence manufacturers around the world. If you don't find what you're looking for there, you have many, many more places to go to find it.
I like fesflowers.com and spirit-in-nature.com. The Spirit In Nature lady is greeeeaaat, and the purity of her commitment to healing others really shines through in her stuff.