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Has anyone here muscle tested (or used a pendulum) on their birth chart?

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Home » Discuss » DU Groups » Religion & Spirituality » Astrology, Spirituality & Alternative Healing Group Donate to DU
Celebration Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Oct-01-11 11:01 AM
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Has anyone here muscle tested (or used a pendulum) on their birth chart?
Okay, what I am getting is that my grandson has an issue with Saturn in his birth chart. Now as of right now I have no idea where Saturn is in his birth chart, but I intend to find out. Heck at this point I don't have any idea of his exact time of birth.

Just wondered if anyone here has combined these energetic modalities in this way.

And does anyone know if the energy from the planetary configurations has a relationship to acupuncture points? I listened to a health astrologer (interesting!) and was trying to figure out how that worked. I was wondering if different alignments could put pressure and/or block specific acupuncture points, and if that might be responsible for the effect of planetary configurations on health and behavior. He didn't say anything about acupuncture points, but that is just a conjecture of mine at this point.

What I am getting lately is various acupuncture points and combinations being related to certain behavioral characteristics. As an example hypersensitive (people who muscle test weak for that) need work on both Spleen 6 and Stomach 36. Those are major points but some more minor ones are coming up too.

Does anyone have any thoughts on how astrology can affect either our meridian system or particular acupuncture points? I do think of acupuncture points as being, um, sort of portals.
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Why Syzygy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Oct-02-11 06:11 AM
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1. Since planets
and signs have body parts they affect; I would think that there is something to be said for using that information.

Then there's this:

(that's a google doc - let me know if it doesn't work because you have to log into google to read it)
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Celebration Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Oct-02-11 09:01 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. five element vs. four element
If I have a book handy I actually do understand the concepts of five element acupuncture. It totally works! For the longest time I would feel sick whenever I was out in the wind. I questioned my acupuncturist who said "liver meridian overcharged, too much wood fueling the fire." I had taken a whole seminar on the fire element alone. So what I had to do was print out the four acupuncture points I needed to stimulate to sedate my liver meridian (Touch for Health thing). Anytime I got that feeling I whipped out my card, started acupressure on those points, and was fine. Now I have retrained my body to be okay with being out in the wind. I used to cower at the bottom of the bass boat whenever my hubby revved up the engine. This annoyed him to no end, but I said "you want me sick?"

I had not thought about trying to relate the elements in the zodiac to the five element acupuncture theory. But that sounds like a good idea. I wonder if there are any books on this subject. The guy I heard the other night was so interesting to me because his particular interests are exactly mine.........medical issues, and the economy. He has written a novel that sounds pretty good. The premise is that there is a detective who uses astrology to solve cases, and medical eastrology comes into play. I might order that for sort of a light introduction to the topic.

Anyway, so I am just guessing if people stay balanced in general then challenging alignments will be a lot easier. But it would be cool to kind of have a chart of acupuncture points that might need massaging depending on the chart and current planetary alignments. I'm sure people have thought about all this, but whether there is a definitive source for this I don't know.

But what is strange is that I have found people that test negative for various things in their birth chart? What is up with that? Maybe it is in conflict with something else in their chart? Maybe it is just too much of a challenge for them? I feel sure that I can get them muscle testing positive for it, but I would really like to know why that happens, what the theory is behind something like that. But this is an energetically diverse question, and most people specialize, LOL. Acupuncture theory, Astrology Theory, and Applied Kinesiology all together. Very few people even accept all three, much less know them all.
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Ricochet21 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Oct-02-11 05:20 PM
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3. My belief is that, yes, Astrology directly "affects" the meridian points
Astrology symbolizes all live systems, imho

You need to find his birth time and send me a pm with his birth data; you're probably right on about Saturn affecting him.
The zodiac can be very tricky however, many times I thinks it's this only to find out that it's that. Try calling his hospital for records.
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Celebration Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Oct-02-11 09:56 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. oh that is cool to know
I wonder if acupuncturists notice a bunch of people having the same issues in blocks of time, similar to say, births in hospitals during a full moon. I find in fascinating that some people know when and where there is a major earthquake by how their body feels.

My daughter said she is going to look up my grandson's birth certificate to get a time, and then I'll send you his chart. THANKS. Again though, whatever the issue is, I am going to try to clear him of Saturn's influence, if it is negative. But it could be complex, I suppose, as in its interrelationship with other planets. I haven't even checked his other planets yet to see if he is weak to them.
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Ricochet21 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Oct-03-11 03:02 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. Saturn issues are fear
and as far as the full moon or new moon, we all over-simplify them, what matters is:

1. what sign it's in? That will be the type of energy it has; some signs have weaker/stronger effects
2. what aspect is it making to other transiting planets at the time; almost compeletely overlooked
3. what aspect is it making to our natal chart and/or progressed chart; that is what will be triggered
4. the whole chart must be seen as a whole

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Celebration Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Oct-03-11 05:48 PM
Response to Reply #5
6. one problem Saturn in opposition to Mercury
Still not 100% sure of of birth time, but will PM you when I am sure. When I get organized about this I am going to try to clear him of Saturn in opposition to Mercury and see if it clears up the following issues that he muscle tests weak for:

verbal expression
hard to pour out emotions
caution in revealing himself
ability to get ideas across to others
needing excessive amount of positive feedback
abilty to accept complements

What really got me was that hypersensitive was in that same complex of stuff relating to Saturn in opposition to Mercury, and that was the latest thing he was cleared for (using acupuncture points). Talk about synchronicity. Why would I ever have thought of hypersensitive right before I found it in characteristics of Saturn in opposition to Mercury!

Yes I know the chart has to be taken as a whole. As a whole, he tests ok for his chart with AK, but that probably isn't sensitive enough of a test to make sure he is strong to individual things. Undoubtedly there are some other things besides Saturn in opposition to Mercury that are problems, and probably various combinations. I need to get the exact time and double check the AK with his mom's arm. Then I will PM you.

Keep in mind that I am trying to merge various disciplines here. He doesn't have major problems or anything, and he is only four years old, LOL. Still there are a few issues........... (and trying to get him to muscle test strong for everything, THEN see what happens).

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Ricochet21 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-04-11 04:11 PM
Response to Reply #6
7. You'd be surprised
Edited on Tue Oct-04-11 04:12 PM by Ricochet21
how many very successful people have Mercury opp Saturn. It's not always easy formula stuff as in the old books. Since Saturn's main job is to "make sure"; often times these people have incredibly strong, versatile minds. I'm not sure what you mean by "clearing it."
But I trust your judgment. Failure to accept compliments is indeed A CAPRICORN problem, for sure. Or, someone with strong Saturn.

You really can't say that Saturn opp. Mercury IS a problem. I've seen way too many people that are very successful. My hunch is that his whole issue has much more to do with other planets. I can't wait to see it. Four years old, 24 yrs old. It's never too early to get him on track, for sure.

What happens with Sat/Merc is that the personality takes their mind, whatever they say, whatever everybody says TOO SERIOUSLY.

Keep digging.

Einstein had Mercury and Saturn in conjunction by 1 degree in Aries.
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Celebration Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-05-11 06:45 AM
Response to Reply #7
8. I'm very close
Edited on Wed Oct-05-11 07:03 AM by Celebration
I put in what we think is his birth time. Rather than having to give it to you twice, though, I am waiting to try to confirm, if possible. Honestly, it could be a very favorable alignment, and he could still have an issue with it, from what I am doing. It is an experiment for sure. But we are using muscle response testing to see if various alignments on his chart cause him any stress (it measures a sort of "cringling"). Then I use techniques to remove that "stress". This is basically done by intention but is a bit more involved than that.

They were over here last night and I confirmed my suspicions that this particular alignment caused him stress. However, since he is a sort of guinea pig in my experiment, I haven't removed this stress..........yet! But undoubtedly this is not the only thing in his chart that he muscle tests weak for. I don't know much about astrology, but probably enough to get decent answers with muscle testing.

With muscle testing, something that is *good* for most people can cause big issues in others. Example: I was introduced to energy medicine when my daughter had NAET for severe allergies and chemical sensitivities. I read the NAET book, and she went twice a week to receive treatments. She was unable to work or do anything but sleep about sixteen hours per day during the time she received these treatments. She had just graduated from college. I knew to expect reactions from treatments but the crazy thing was that when they got to Vitamin C, she literally came home, crashed in her bed, her fever went up to 103 degrees, and she slept for twenty hours. At the thirty hour mark, her fever went away and she felt wonderful. Now, none of that relates to my grandson, EXCEPT Vitamin C is "good" for us, and absolutely necessary for life, yet she was very weak to it. Being exposed to it caused blockages in her meridian system. The treatment was to remove those blockages. I know it is strange that we can react in this way to things that are generally good and necessary, but believe me, I have seen this first hand. So it likely could be the same way with astrological charts. Again, this is totally experimental. I don't know of anyone else doing muscle testing for astrological chart alignments. But some people muscle test absolutely everything, even breakfast, so it probably has been done.

As for my grandson, he is very, very sensitive energetically. He is the one that named three of his four grandparents the same names that they used for their grandparents!! And he had never heard those words previously. We named me before he could talk, so I am the only one that he didn't choose a name for.

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BlueIris Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-05-11 09:09 PM
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9. I have used your YouTube energy clearing videos on my chart, yes.

By this I mean I have gone to the videos, held up a copy of my natal chart in front of the screen, and played the Sun Salute/Chakra Blanace vids while trying to clear negativity from them. I have also tried doing this for others, with limited success. Don't really know if it's helped me.
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Celebration Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-06-11 01:40 PM
Response to Reply #9
10. Hmmm, that is interesting
Maybe try it with the EFT boost??? EFT is specifically made to clear blockages, and people like Dr. Mercola teach it to patients. However, it is much more effective if someone uses muscle testing or a pendulum to check it both before (weak responses generally need clearing) to strong. If people don't know how to do that testing themselves, then EFT is really a VERY slow method, to the point of being mostly ineffective. So, even though EFT is supposed to be a self treatment method, there are various EFT coaches out there that guide the person into what things to test, how to phrase the affirmation, and then retest after the EFT is done.

"Even though Saturn is a main part of my chart (be more specific), I am able to process the information from that appropriately, and the Aries and moon positions are able to give me the balance that I need to overcome (a particular situation)."

Instruct yourself. "I will be weak if I need to say that affirmation with EFT". If you are strong to it, try another type wording, and ask again. Once you get a weak response, then use the affirmation with EFT. Then retest. If it is strong this time, then the EFT "worked" energetically. Whether that changes anything that can be determined materially is something different. That can range from nothing to something dramatic.

But, I work under the assumption that we are all better off if we muscle test positive to everything. It is just that sometimes with a particular thing the switch seems to make a difference in a huge way, and sometimes not at all.

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Celebration Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-19-11 01:51 PM
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11. Finally got around to trying this
My daughter and I finally had a few minutes together, and I muscle tested my grandson again through her. The muscle test was very weak for Saturn opposed to Mercury. The way I interpret that is that my grandson was prevented from accessing the best information from that combination. He obviously will always have Saturn opposed to Mercury in his birthchart, and some characteristics of it, but the information from the combination will not weaken him as it does now.

I didn't even make a slideshow, because I don't think I have to now (although will continue to for kind of universal things). I want to see how long it lasts this way. Just used the infinite love and gratitude symbol from sign language, ala the Lifeline Technique and added to that a removal of negative information.

That seemed to clear not only Mercury opposing Saturn but also Saturn everywhere in his birthchart (muscle test strong). Now as to what effect that will have on him I have no idea. This is an experiment. I forget to test this through my daughter but from what I am getting this cleared up some other issues he has, so we'll see.
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