If I have a book handy I actually do understand the concepts of five element acupuncture. It totally works! For the longest time I would feel sick whenever I was out in the wind. I questioned my acupuncturist who said "liver meridian overcharged, too much wood fueling the fire." I had taken a whole seminar on the fire element alone. So what I had to do was print out the four acupuncture points I needed to stimulate to sedate my liver meridian (Touch for Health thing). Anytime I got that feeling I whipped out my card, started acupressure on those points, and was fine. Now I have retrained my body to be okay with being out in the wind. I used to cower at the bottom of the bass boat whenever my hubby revved up the engine. This annoyed him to no end, but I said "you want me sick?"
I had not thought about trying to relate the elements in the zodiac to the five element acupuncture theory. But that sounds like a good idea. I wonder if there are any books on this subject. The guy I heard the other night was so interesting to me because his particular interests are exactly mine.........medical issues, and the economy. He has written a novel that sounds pretty good. The premise is that there is a detective who uses astrology to solve cases, and medical eastrology comes into play. I might order that for sort of a light introduction to the topic.
http://www.amazon.com/Murder-11th-House-Starlight-Detective/dp/1590589505/ctoc Anyway, so I am just guessing if people stay balanced in general then challenging alignments will be a lot easier. But it would be cool to kind of have a chart of acupuncture points that might need massaging depending on the chart and current planetary alignments. I'm sure people have thought about all this, but whether there is a definitive source for this I don't know.
But what is strange is that I have found people that test negative for various things in their birth chart? What is up with that? Maybe it is in conflict with something else in their chart? Maybe it is just too much of a challenge for them? I feel sure that I can get them muscle testing positive for it, but I would really like to know why that happens, what the theory is behind something like that. But this is an energetically diverse question, and most people specialize, LOL. Acupuncture theory, Astrology Theory, and Applied Kinesiology all together. Very few people even accept all three, much less know them all.