is a scientist (toxicologist). I think he also agrees, no one knows. Personally, I would look for more "freedom". Not the *freedom*
granted by outside institutions. PERSONAL freedom.
I guess I'm satisfied with the portion Calleman brings to the table. I also follow John Lamb Lash; who tells us that the Goddess is
Awakening. The Goddess is none other than our own sacred Gaia. Whatever happens now is up to Her! I still like Clif High. I had to back off when he was going with a pole shift scenario. I just never bought 'pole shift'.
He is like me and we just don't stop investigating ... So now he has the much more sensible 'expando planet' model. I completely
agree with this. We've seen the Earth's rotations changed due to the quakes in recent years. Her dimensions and *natural* behavior
are UNLIMITED! Man is the optional ingredient here. She can do anything She pleases. But She likes us! We are going to get
through this together. (eta) So I would also look for a closer relationship between humanity and the Goddess. If you want to get
into the esoteric perspective, the *rchons are male dominated and have been and are doing their best to completely destroy all traces of
the divine feminine. They hate Sophia. That means they hate us. We are part of Her. (.)
I am unusual in this venue because I do not follow any psychics. I want direct contact, and that's what I get when I make myself
known to Sophia.