With which I agree. There are people who will drain energy from others. These are often lost souls, or young souls and souls living-in-denial and have been for some time. But we must all accept our karmic responsibilities to workout the challenges set before us on our path. Those who won't will end up just railing at the world and usually being a pain to others as well as themselves.
All of us travel upon similar paths, but where we are headed is a journey we must all make alone. And the experiences we gain as we travel, serve to strengthen us and to give us wisdom and understanding. As well as compassion for ourselves and for others. And the greatest wisdom we can have is to come to know
that we all started out blind, and it is only through our struggles that we begin to see.
If we ignore these lessons and fail to heed their inner truths, then karma will bring it back to us and try to teach us again. And again. And again. However much time it takes. There's no rush. We must learn the lesson(s) until we understand what it is saying to us. Teaching us. The underlying foundation of all the lessons are:
"Our intent and inner desire for love and compassion for all things is all that matters." But truly learn it we must (my inner-Yoda speaking here), before we can move past it and on to greater understanding. We must learn to alter our emotions and desires and to learn to reach-out to one another. Yes, even terrible neighbors. In fact, especially terrible neighbors because it's easy to forgive those we already love and care about who have wronged us. There is little challenge in that.
We must give others our Unconditional Love, Compassion and Forgiveness. And then, sometimes we must simply --
If we are to Ascend, we must leave our old way of thinking with our egos behind, and start thinking and following our hearts. Hearts that are full of
Unconditional Love and Compassion. Hard as it may seem to be. We must leave the old ways of seeing things and old ways of being behind. It is our choice. It has always been and always will be our choice.
- Free will works that way and only that way. Namaste.