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November's Starself Newsletter - How We Got to Occupy Wall Street

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Ricochet21 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Oct-29-11 09:04 PM
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November's Starself Newsletter - How We Got to Occupy Wall Street

How We Got to the Point of Occupying Wall Street

(Facing off with Pluto)

Don’t call me Ishmael. But, we do find ourselves a quarter of the way thru this 16-year epic Melvillian tale of the Great Whale (Pluto) having already torn asunder much of what was ours. How swiftly and shockingly it happened. Our telescopes saw the Great White coming, yet the collision just about did us in right away. Still we reel from its impact as the “best” of our minds put on a great show that they know how to respond - that they truly understand what this is all about.

Pluto has delivered a deadly blow to all of us. Luckily, for all of us, we and the Great White float in a vast sea ruled by Neptune with his sidekick, Chiron, ever-ready to heal. We find ourselves in new waters; the quest is still afoot; and who could have guessed that little ole Venus would be the one to come to our rescue. This is a big tale, the greatest this planet has seen to date.

This will have to be told in stages to put it all into perspective. First it all got started January 25, 2008 at 9:37 pm Eastern.

Stage One - Pluto enters Capricorn


There has been so much written about this as it provides the definitive backdrop to this whole story. Suffice it to say that the Brits lost much of it holdings in 1762 when last we found Pluto in Capricorn, including the American Revolution. Now we find ourselves losing our grip, in many ways. Pluto’s in the same position now.

It has brought a great pall across the whole planet. Remember Pluto is in Capricorn for all earthlings, not just us. You would have to be blind not to see and feel the gravity of the global situation. It’s basically simple to explain Pluto: if whatever entity you are examining: humans, countries, businesses, organizations, and so on are not integrous, they are crumbling at their very roots or already dead. This is because the sign of Capricorn rules all forms and institutions. And, it doesn’t put up with fakery and disingenuousness.

Pluto’s promise is to remake us. To tear down the old, the obsolete, and the unworkable. If we align ourselves with it, we’ll do okay. If not,…. it’ll tear it down anyway. Humble self-honesty and introversion is how one deals with El Pluto.

Stage Two - Transiting Uranus and Saturn formed a “T-square” to Pluto


For the past several years, Saturn and Uranus have been opposing each other in a tooth-and-nail fight between the conservatives (Saturn) and liberals (Uranus.) This started precisely on election day in November, 2008 at 8:30 am eastern. In addition, both expressed their frustrations toward transiting Pluto, known as the traveling Cardinal T-square because al three planets were in the early stages of 3 different Cardinal signs (Aries, Libra, & Capricorn). Pluto didn’t give a hoot about expressing issues being drummed up by Saturn and Uranus; Pluto was busy doing its thing (Big Money, Big Corporations, Big bigness, and power!) Nothing was giving as frustration and decay took on rapid expression. This is very, very dangerous.

Every time Uranus came up with something new (which is its nature), Saturn shot it down. Sound familiar? Likewise, each time Saturn tried to drag us back into the 50’s (which is its nature), it had a fight with future-oriented Uranus. This tug-of-war got really ugly and found a very poor middleman mediator in the name of Pluto in the midst of all of this. Thus, the decay and destruction was expedited even more. People with money ran. People without money ran. There was nowhere to run for this tender USA which is a Cancer country by nature. “Somebody save me, but keep you hands off of my Medicare!” The system couldn’t handle it. That’s to say nothing about all of the corruption that Pluto was busy excising. And the bridges started collapsing, the sea filled with oil, lies abound about safe gas wells below, tsunamis exploded ashore, corrupt millionaires were off to jail, and on and on. And BP placed strategic TV commercials on in the evenings showing us how much concern they really did have for the environment.

Since astrology really is a science/art that’s all based on, “What got into you last night?” People started freaking. They really couldn’t believe that they were seeing the beginning of the end of the American Empire. At least, in terms of how it had been operating. Each day was finding a new scandal. The economic recovery was a myth because there were so many more tumors to be uncovered. And the people kept on believing that this was all happening outside of themselves. This was happening in direct proportion to how much “dis-ease” we all have going on inside of ourselves.

Much of this new tension was picked up and expressed by the Tea Party (born Aquarian on January 24, 2009), but remember, they were born with transiting Saturn Retrograde in Virgo opposite Venus in Pisces. Not a pretty combination. In fact, their entire chart is based upon this opposition. “We’re not spending money for nothing!” This chart is all about the bottom line, no matter what. The Tea Party is all about Saturn in Virgo and as any beginning astrologer knows, stoical and stubborn Saturn stands no chance against the brilliant power of Uranus.

Now that Saturn has moved on to latter degrees of Libra, were now basically living with Uranus square to Pluto, and this will happen several times over the next few years. Uranus is for all intents and purposes finished with having to deal with resistant Saturn. Sound familiar?

Still, this is no picnic. The last time Uranus combined with Pluto was during the 60’s. Look at all the social upheaval that took place then and compare it to what is going on now. Yes, we still have our Barry Goldwaters today.


to access the entire newsletter, go to:

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FirstLight Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Oct-29-11 09:35 PM
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1. Hot damn, rick!
You really have a gift for reading the skies ;) thanks for the details and the explanation of the gears as they turn around and within us.

I appreciate you and your work, so very much! :hug:
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Ricochet21 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Oct-29-11 10:52 PM
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3. ty fl nt
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rosesaylavee Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Oct-29-11 10:35 PM
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2. Right on Rick
Speaking of wanting to heal, after giving away my own tubes of arnica for the past several years at $10 a pop, found a source online for a case of it... which I am now handing out at maybe .50 per. Yeah, I think I understand that need to heal thing... my family thinks I am a bit eccentric... or my Virgo sister does for sure. My other sister who just had knee surgery and whose leg healed much faster using the arnica I gave her is 'getting' me a bit more these days.

Can't wait to read your book. Congratulations!
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RainbowSuperfund Donating Member (38 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Oct-30-11 10:54 AM
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4. Thanks for the light you shed on current events, Ricochet21 . :hi:
Edited on Sun Oct-30-11 11:05 AM by RainbowSuperfund
Thanks for the light you shed on current events, Ricochet21. :hi: Wow Venus! When I read “The Dawn of a New Day Reveals Everything Changed” This video came to mind:
OWS pioneering Decentralized Democracy in action. The forms are already in place. We will just step into them and keep walking forward while irrelevant institutions fall away or Flee as this committee did.

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Howler Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Oct-30-11 11:17 AM
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thanks again.
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Why Syzygy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Oct-30-11 11:20 AM
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6. The dates, Rick?
Stage Five - August 8-9, 2012. Mars explodes the giant traveling Cardinal T-square

Is that supposed to read '2011'?
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Ricochet21 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Oct-30-11 12:40 PM
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kimmerspixelated Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Oct-30-11 05:35 PM
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8. Wonderful..
The New Dawn and everything's changed...I love how this ties into the mayans and our evolving species. Not just social/political revolution, literally WE as a species are more convincing is needed. It's obviously in the stars/planets!

Thanks Rick!
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findrskeep Donating Member (367 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Oct-31-11 02:49 PM
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9.  Always such a validation
for what a lot of us sense, think and feel is going on. Thanks for another great update Rick! :hug:
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