Edited on Mon Oct-31-11 12:36 PM by BlueIris
Here's a collection of my own personal predictions for the next decade or so. Some are about changes within the U.S. economy and society, some are related to global phenomenon. I believe in free will, and I know we have the power to try to prevent the less than pleasant things from happening if we want to, which I hope we do, as a few of them are pretty nasty.
2011 (or what's left of it)
November: major change within our government at the federal level. The less said about this, the better, except to say that I think it could culminate in the biggest political scandal in forty years. Not looking forward to it.
December: for better or for worse, OWS may die out or die down around this time. Taking a break for winter? I can't be sure, but I get the feeling the movement fizzles around this point.
Major crisis in mainstream media. Possibly related to its non-coverage of corruption in government and Wall Street.
I get that the godawful nightmare that is DOMA will be extinguished this year.
Changes to the Affordable Care Act. I don't have a good feeling about the future of the individual mandate.
Okay, this is the 'big one' for 2012--I am getting, very strongly, that a viral epidemic, probably the flu, will strike in the fall, September to be precise. It could be disastrous. I have an extremely scared feeling about it. Not to be melodramatic, but I think it could wind up being as bad as the flu epidemic of 1918-1919. I will not tell others what to do, but I will be getting a flu shot this year and next, as well as really trying to keep my immune system as healthy as possible.
November: the collapse of the Tea Party.
Had some interesting stuff come through about '13...
The potential for a new Equal Rights Act to emerge.
The potential for that ever-rumored HIV vaccine to become more of a reality.
Potential for many states to embrace 'smog taxes' on individual vehicles, based on how much pollution they put out.
The creation of a new political party. Feels more left than right, but I think its focus will be on financial reforms.
Ouch...this is where some of the more frightening stuff started to come up.
First big jump in gas prices here in the U.S. as the energy shock gets into full swing. Can't say how high they'll go, but my guess is at least $4.00 a gallon or higher, and they pretty much won't come back down.
Airfare goes up quite a bit, too at this point, I think, and international travel will drop off sharply as a result. I'm also getting that international travel for Americans in particular will decrease for other reasons (difficulties, er, getting along with our foreign neighbors.)
I was sickened to get the impression that this is the year in which that bullshit about drug testing recipients of state aid will gain popularity in most states. As many as forty U.S. states may start doing this. To me, this is horrifying.
I was also upset to feel that this is the point when our society redoubles its efforts to curb obesity. Sadly, I do not feel this will be done in a progressive, supportive, or even healthful way. I feel that many states will adopt 'fat taxes' for recipients of state benefits, and participants will face the choice of either somehow losing weight or paying a fee to continue to receive aid. I get that up to twenty states could take this punitive approach to 'dealing' with the overweight. I also get that schools will face immense pressure to help children control their diet, nutrition and weight. The healthcare system may become a more ghastly place than ever for overweight patients.
There are some other not-so-nice things coming through to me about 2014, like an increase in restrictions on things like surrogacy arrangements and fertility treatments. Not sure entirely why, but a couple of my impressions have to do with a sense that the safety, or lack thereof, of fertility therapies, including the in vitro process, may get greater scrutiny. I think widespread homophobia could have something to do with this--some same sex couples pursue surrogacy arrangements in order to have their families, and the bigots of the world may start trying to enact more restrictions to hurt gay parents. I also get that the number of international surrogacy contracts will drop considerably after this year, as will international adoptions.
It's not all bad news for '14, though--we may finally get some support for abortion rights in America on the federal level. Not sure if it's part of the new ERA or if it's another amendment entirely.
I also think it's remotely possible that this is the year China does away with its infamous one child policy.
One of the only impressions I had about this year is a lot of discussion about the changing nature of male/female relationships in the United States. We may see many more hetero women living single lives, and some in the media will declare that women are 'turning away from men altogether,' ie; Japan's commitment shunning 'carnivore women.'
Huge jump in global food prices after this point.
Possible widespread availability of the HIV vaccine.
Near complete elimination of anything resembling the 'land line' telephone connection in individual homes.
I got few impressions about a year this far away, except one about an rash of suicides of obese patients, probably in reaction to the unfairness of crap like the fat taxes and media messaging criticizing the overweight.
Civil war in China.
* * *
What I'm not getting...anything about the legalization, or even widespread decriminalization of marijuana (sorry, pot fans.) Anything about the creation or implementation of a single payer healthcare system, at least not at the federal level. Anything about the world ending in the year 2012.
Other things I'm picking up on generally, which I can't place within the confines of any single year...a significant uptick in racial discrimination and racism in the United States. This sickens and terrifies me, as I think the base energy that creates racism is something we should be just about done with in our allegedly first world nation. Long term and widespread economic difficulties here and abroad. And a generally meaner, more unpleasant society in which our collective emotional dysfunction gets worse, causes more community breakdown and isolation for many.
Happy Halloween, A, S & AHers.