I've got at least one pwka--or similar prankster (possibly several, I suppose)--in the house. I'm surprised one (or more) is still hanging around after the veil came back down again, but--!
The other day my car keys disappeared. HIGHLY unlike me--I always know where they are. I checked where I usually leave them (in a basket by the door)--nope. Purse? Nope. Pockets of jacket? Nope. Pockets of ski vest from when we had a cold snap? Nope. I checked all the pockets of both jackets--and even of my new winter jacket even though I didn't drive when I wore it--twice. Nothing. So I used my spare set and drove MG Jr. to school. Came back, checked the ski vest pocket again on a whim...and there they were.
Tonight, in the kitchen, I grabbed a Snickers mini from the bowl of leftover Halloween candy. Small (a tiny square), but easy to see, with its gold wrapper. I unwrapped it near the garbage can. I dropped the wrapper, and I heard a weird noise, like a little "vvvvip!" And the wrapper disappeared. In midair. Not on the floor (light blue wood--hard to miss a metallic gold wrapper), not attached to my clothes (I gave the benefit of the doubt to possible static cling)--I even shook out my hoodie, not in the garbage (new, empty bag in the can). It. Is. Gone. Funny what amuses them, innit? :rofl: