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What time on 11-11-11 does

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Home » Discuss » DU Groups » Religion & Spirituality » Astrology, Spirituality & Alternative Healing Group Donate to DU
kimmerspixelated Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-10-11 09:06 PM
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What time on 11-11-11 does
the energy come forth, what time of day?

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kentauros Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-10-11 09:21 PM
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1. Jonathan Goldman is doing something for this event,
and according to his newsletter, it doesn't matter if it's AM or PM, nor what time zone, so long as you join in with others in toning. Here's the email I got, and it makes sense to me to use both times during your particular time zone :)

From: Jonathan Goldman <>
Subject: Tone for Global Harmonization on 11:11:11


Sound For Planetary Peace

Join Us in the Temple Of Sacred Sound

Temple of Sacred Sound - Dear Sound Friends:

On Friday, November 11th, there is a unique time sequence occurring. As many of you know, at 11 minutes past 11 o'clock on this day it will be 11:11 on 11.11.11. This seems to be an extraordinary numeric event that many perceive has great significance as a potential cosmic portal for great shift and change.

No one really knows what this means or if indeed there is any significance to it--perhaps it is simply a unique chronological and numerological experience. Or perhaps, as some suggest, it marks the beginning of a unique evolutionary landmark. Rather than add more speculation about what it means, perhaps it is best that we go within, open our hearts and find the meaning of this event for ourselves.

I'd like to suggest that if it resonates with you, we take this unique time signature as an opportunity for Global Harmonization--to project Light & Love through Sound for planetary peace and healing. At around 11:00 that day (either AM or PM), go to to the "AH Toning Chamber" at templeofsacred sound and sound along with others for the purpose of helping to bring balance and harmony to our beloved Earth..

There's all sorts of activities planned for 11.11.11 that are happening throughout our planet with all different focuses--most associated with some sort of evolutionary ascension. Perhaps you are planning to take part in one yourself.

Here in Boulder, we're doing a workshop to celebrate this event, scheduled to be sounding the Divine Name on 11.11.11 . At 11:11 AM Mountain time, (at during any 11:11 time throughout the planet) you are invited to etherically join us, letting the energy of love and compassion ring out throughout our beloved Gaia via sounding at the templeofsacredsound,

111111 Many of you have seen this video "How the 11.11.11 Becomes the Divine Name" on YouTube. I personally make not statement about what this means. Is there a specific code or other significiant aspect with regard to this phenomenon? Once again, we need to go within to decide. It is nevertheless quite interesting and I am very glad that so many of your have resonated with this video. At the very least, I trust that this unique time signature presents an opportunity for those of us into sound to tone together via the Temple of Sacred Sound in order to utilize the power of our consciousness and love coupled with sacred sound to help assist the vibrational shifts on our beloved planet.

Thank you for taking the time to read this email. Let's resonate together at 11:11 on 11.11.11 at

Blessings of Light & Love through Sound,

Jonathan Goldman
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