I saw this mentioned in
Maya del Mar's free weekly forecast for dec. 1-6 (which will change today, so here's the clip):
This is just in time to close up the old solar year, and begin a new one at Winter Solstice. It also completes this Mercury retrograde period. We begin today to set the stage for new beginnings, in time with the beginning of the Fourth Day of the Galactic Underworld.Here's what she's referring to (google that phrase for more):
http://www.breakingopenthehead.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=15;t=000032New Article: A new phase, the Fourth day, in the Cosmic Plan is opening up
A new phase is beginning in the Cosmic Time Plan as of Dec 4, 2004 -
The Transformation of Consciousness will really take off
Carl Johan Calleman
The Fourth DAY
A new phase in the evolution of the Cosmic Time Plan will soon open up; the Fourth DAY of the Galactic Underworld. This phase will begin on the Gregorian date December 4, 2004 and will last until Nov 28, 2005. This Fourth DAY is a pulse of LIGHT that will be dominating us for a period of 360 days, a period that among the Maya is called a tun, a prophetic ?year<sum> characterized by a specific spiritual energy. It represents a pulse of forward energy, of creative LIGHT, and so to use a symbolic term we may call this whole period a DAY. This coming DAY is the Fourth DAY of the Underworld that is currently affecting us the most, the Galactic Underworld, which started January 5, 1999 and will be completed on October 28, 2011 (see Figure on the next page). It is in this Fourth DAY that the transformation of consciousness in a very real sense is beginning. It will soon become evident that the Galactic Underworld propels an irreversible process that will affect the whole planet and all aspects of life.
The Galactic Underworld
In the current Galactic Underworld, which at the present time is the one affecting us the most, the focus is however not on technological advances. It is on the strengthening of the intuitive abilities of the human beings and fostering a holistic worldview that ultimately is intended to bring peace and wholeness to the global community. It brings a new frame of consciousness that will actually balance that of the old consciousness of rationality, materialism and Western rule of the world. While this new frame of consciousness of the Galactic Underworld brings many different kinds of manifestations, affecting all aspects of our lives, I will focus only on three different things here: 1/ The political and military decline of the dominance of the Western Hemisphere, 2/ The changes in the world economy and 3/ The path towards Enlightenment. In the old fragmented, materialist, worldview these three things may have seemed like completely unrelated phenomena. In the new worldview, based on the Mayan calendar, they may however be seen as intertwined in a very direct way as they are all expressions of the same new consciousness. It is now becoming obvious that no phenomenon can be understood in isolation from the rest of the universe and hence the three things above are only different expressions of one and the same divine plan for the evolution of consciousness.
A fundamental aspect of the current Galactic Underworld is to bring balance, a balance that may serve as a basis for the coming ascension of humanity. From lower Underworlds we have however inherited a grave imbalance where not only the Western Hemisphere, but also our left brain halves, have been completely dominating. Thus, our point of departure is imbalance and the balancing of the world brought by the Galactic Underworld will by necessity be accompanied by a downfall of the Western dominance of the world. More or less as a spin-off effect of this we will see the crumbling of patriarchy and all hierarchical structures of human society. Yet, patriarchal dominance as such is certainly not limited to the West and as I have argued in one of the articles on my blog much of the current crisis of Islam is due to the fact that it is a patriarchal left-brain religion that is threatened by the new ?female<sum> energies generated by the Galactic Underworld on the Eastern Hemisphere.
The Shift in the Global Economy
In the Fourth DAY of the Galactic Underworld the shift away from Western dominance will likely be most clearly visible in the economic arena. This DAY will thus bring to an end the domination of the world economy by the West, and it is easy to see the background to this: The national debt of the US is currently at about 7 trillion dollars and its budget deficit at about 400 billion dollars while savings are minimal. The unofficial idea seems to be that the rest of the world is investing in the US economy by giving credits, but the question is with such deficits how long the rest of the world will find it a worthwhile debtor. A somewhat similar situation is at hand in its main Western partner, the UK, where personal debt recently passed the one trillion pound mark. On the other hand, China has now in terms of GDP become the second economy of the world (with Japan third and India fourth)....
there's discussion below the article. thoughts?