We haven't formed a shop for holiday sales as last year........but I am in need now. I am fortunate to be healthy, but my budget resembles that terrible picture of Thom W's tumor. On 2/3 of a Widow's Pension, no increase for 2 years. cost of everything going up making a lie out of the CPI calculations. All my old stuff giving out ( stove only has one working burner & that gets dangerously hot and may burn itself out any day now. right before halloween, a malfunction of the grounding wire to my house electricity, caused 240 volts to ricochet around the house for 24 blowing out surge protectors, my main flourescent fixture I use to work by....and the starter to the furnace which I had to replace immediately! 3 days later the 29 year old car didn't pass inspection, and I have $479. worth of repairs, which Goddess bless my VW guru, is carrying until I can pay him. ( I am grateful the fridge, freezer, pump,washer & dryer survived. ANd still am not sure if the line serving part of the house is fully intact, or was it compromised?. ) My LIHEAP check hasn't come to my oil man yet, & I have been carrying 2 1/2 gal of expensive diesel fuel from the gas station, since last March ( they cut back the amnount & Joe for oil ran out of funds before re they got to me. to pour into the tank to keep it from going out, then needing a repair guy to bleed it and charge me. Yeh the guy who replaced my starter motor. His fee for cleaning the furnace, has jumped from $100. in 2009 to $140. this year.......... ( Inflation ? Naw...simson & bowles!) Any how, long story short.................I am selling a lovely calendar with 12- 8/12" x by 11" pages, loose not bound, the print on archival, heavy paper, suitable for framing, just trim the top half off from the date part....... I have been doing this for 5 years, but due to the extreme situation, I am expanding my ewxposure as v broadly as I can. It is $20. + $3.00 for shipping, another $5.00 if you want a free standing plexi framfile:///Users/pariciasharp/Desktop/Int-2012-Calendar-Back-Cove.gife to display the page of the month, on the desktop. ANd here is a picture of the back page with all 12 months. There will be a 13th print, a full 8 1/2 x 11" of the painting I am just finishing............ file:///Users/pariciasharp/Desktop/Int-2012-Calendar-Back-Cov.html hope that works..............PM me if interested.