today, specifically so I could respond to this thread.
It's a wonderful question, Disgustipated, and asking is exactly what will get you the answers you seek. You might get some answers here, or possible hints and clues. But please also ask the Unseen, by whatever you call it/them. Simply calling them "Spirit" is useful and many people do that, including me. I have never, ever asked Spirit for help in the form of guidance and not gotten it. I've asked for other things that were denied, but I was asking for those things mostly when I was much, much younger and didn't yet understand that sometimes a resounding No! is a real blessing. (Takeaway Lesson: when asking for "things" or events, etc., always add "This or something better, and for the Highest Good of All, and you'll be absolutely sure that
whatever happens is the best for you and others.)
So, my own first bit of advice would be to start asking your Unseen partners for guidance on what you need to know, learn, do, be. And then watch as certain books almost jump out at you or fall off the bookshelf into your hands (only a slight exaggeration), or you get into an interesting conversation with a perfect stranger, or just happen onto a TV or radio show that has information just for you. Etc. "When the student is ready, the teacher appears." So, ask and be ready to receive: try very hard to listen, hear and then follow any and all inner promptings you get. In fact, practice by doing such silly things as asking for a great parking space when you next go out and then following your inner urges about which parking lot row to go down, etc.
Now, here's a shocking but absolutely essential bit of information for you, something you're going to have to know, I think, and the heart of what I signed on to tell you. Your rational mind is fine and great, and does a lot for you and is to be honored, enjoyed and loved. But as I've already alluded, you're going to have to make friends with and cultivate your subjective mind, because that's where Spirituality resides, in the main.
Now, what tripped my triggers was that you said twice, "But I don’t really feel any of these things." FEELINGS, emotions, etc., are exactly what you're after. Can you be spiritual without them? I'm not absolutely sure, but my guess would be in a limited way at best. Often, scientists disdain the subjective, which has certainly caused a great deal of the tension and fighting at DU between the so-called (self-described) "skeptics" and those of us who simply KNOW better (sorry, but that's the truth).
My own view of things (but it's not my original view -- this has come from my own studies and understanding of my studies and this makes sense to me) is that we need both parts of our brain functioning together. Ideally: the rational, logical mind
in service to the part of our mind that creates and is inspired and feels compassion and love and loyalty and so many other Soul Qualities and is in touch with the numinous.
YOUR Soul is whispering to you right now, and reaching you through your intellect, which may be the only or at least main avenue open. I hope you'll find ways to allow more of the subjective into your life in general, because it is all tied together.
My recommendations for books would be to take a look at Quantum Physics and books such as The Tao of Physics. Or a completely different approach, scientist Gary Zukov's Seat of the Soul or other of his books.
Or, have a look at the Institute for Noetic Sciences, founded by astronaut Edgar Mitchell. I so support their work, and am so disinterested in it. LOL. Mitchell was so transformed by the spiritual experience he had as an astronaut circling the Earth, that he founded this organization way back when to bridge science and spirituality. IONS does a lot of research on consciousness, healing, etc. and have all sorts of programs, books, etc. Have a look to see if it interests you.
Back to Quantum Physics for a moment. While it's not yet written in stone, quantum physicists have found that the basic building block of the universe is energy -- and will eventually find that that energy is Love (or Light which is also God, but we're getting into a certain type of theology and I don't want to do that here). AND, all the mystics I've ever known about or studied have told us that everything is energy, AND that it can be moved and manipulated by intention. Or, as Edgar Cayce put it, "Mind is the Builder," by which he simply meant that we could make -- create -- anything we wanted to out of the basic building block substance of the universe.
When I was much younger -- in my teens or perhaps early 20s -- I read a wonderful thin little book,
The Universe and Dr. Einstein by Lincoln Barnett. I still have it, all these decades later. Having read a number of metaphysical books and been introduced to the "everything is energy" truth already in my somewhat young life, I was knocked out by what I read about Einstein's Theory of Relativity. I finished that book and closed it in awe at the realization that "Some day science and religion (by which I actually meant spirituality, not having articulated the difference for myself yet) will merge." What I hadn't counted on, and what thrills me beyond belief, is that it's already happening. Here, in my lifetime, it's already happening. And it's SUCH common knowledge that it can even be the subject of Oprah shows. Plural. Really! Now, the confirmed, rigidly mechanistic, reductionist so-called skeptics among us can't see or appreciate anything of the sort. But should this line of inquiry and study interest you, who knows? Perhaps you will be able to reach some of them.
Or not.
But whatever lies ahead for you, I hope you'll ponder the thought that your Soul IS reaching out and gently leading you in a certain direction and that it's all for a purpose, in this incredible time in Earth's history. You are here for a reason. It will be very exciting (for you) to find out what that reason is. Godspeed!