I know, you're thinking "Yay, more nattering about Hecate!" but ya know, this is interesting:
I got an email with the rehearsal schedule last week & duly noted everything on my phone's calendar. Showed up Monday night & just as I was arriving, got a text saying rehearsal had been cancelled. Me = :grr:
Last night, I waited to get a cancellation notice for as long as I could, got none, so headed off to rehearsal anyway. Got to the hall & saw a bunch of people & production crew sitting off to the side & was invited to join them. They were talking about other stuff, when all of a sudden, someone (not me) said "We need to talk about Hecate's costume." :wtf: :wow: Just like that.
I pitched an idea for her headdress & make-up & they were all over it like white on rice. :wtf: :wow: Then after all that, someone said "What are you doing here?" & I told them "Rehearsal." Well, it turns out that the Monday & Tuesday night rehearsals were called off, but apparently, not all of us got the email (I wasn't the only one to show up on Monday night, I found out).
So here's a Merc Retro screw-up that turned out just nicely. Of course, I'm just now remembering that Hecate & Hermes (Mercury) got on just dandy, so OF COURSE things would turn out ok. :rofl: