I found this very interesting article about Jack Abramoff, and the web of politicians ensnared therein.
http://www.daykeeperjournal.com/alex.shtmlThe Abramoff scandal promises to be the feel-good event of the year in Washington DC, at least for liberals and administration critics. The Republican lobbyist or his clients have contributed more than $4.4 million to at least 210 members of Congress, and while it’s true that lawmakers from both sides of the aisle accepted funds, Republicans received the lion’s share, Abramoff himself only contributed to the GOP, and so far, it is only members of that party who are alleged to have sold their votes or provided material recompense for his largesse.
Jack Abramoff (born 28 February 1959) has had a long career of identification with Republican and conservative causes. National Chairman of the College Republican National Committee (CRNC) from 1981-85 (during which time period Ralph Reed was a frequent sleep-over guest on his couch), Abramoff was also a director of the conservative think tank, the National Center for Public Policy Research, and a founding member of the International Freedom Foundation, an anti-communist think tank funded by apartheid South Africa.
That Black Holes should be prominent in Abramoff’s chart is no surprise to anyone who is familiar with his history, and their effects. Abramoff’s Sun at 9 Pisces is exactly opposed a Black Hole, and his Mercury at 6 Pisces is conjunct a Quasar and exactly opposed another Black Hole. This is the signature of one who has great personal magnetism and can convince others to act as he wishes. He is literally able to turn words into power, and is difficult to control or reign in. Complex and contradictory, his own view of himself is likely to skew widely from the ways in which others see him, and often these others will each form unique and conflicting opinions of him. This is caused by the chameleon-like qualities of Black Hole energies; these natives refract the light, reflecting a different color in each direction, mirroring back the perspective of each observer in altered, often unrecognizable, ways.
Tom DeLay (born 8 April 1947), former House Majority Leader, is the Republican Representative from Sugar Land, Texas, known as “The Hammer” for his strict enforcement of Party unity and his ability to move a legislative agenda. Like Abramoff, DeLay’s chart is a veritable smorgasbord of Black Hole energies—the Sun at 18 Aries squares the Black Hole at 19 Capricorn, Mercury at 20 Pisces squares the Black Hole at 18 Sagittarius, Venus at 10 Pisces opposes a Black Hole at 9 Virgo, Mars at 27 Pisces is conjunct the Black Hole at 28 Pisces, Jupiter at 26 Scorpio squares the Black Hole at 27 Aquarius, Saturn at 1 Leo conjoins a Black Hole at 2 Leo, Uranus at 18 Gemini opposes the 18 Sagittarius Black Hole, and Pluto at 11 Leo conjoins one at 9 Leo. You can’t get much darker than that, and DeLay’s reputation as a power-hungry manipulator of immense political ambition is well earned.
This article lists all the players, including Shrub, and deals a lot with black holes and quasars, and their influence on these people and the events surrounding them. It is clearly written from a liberal point of view. :bounce: :evilgrin: :bounce:
What do you think?