My Dad and I have a large garden and have been looking for a way to fortify the soil before we plant this year. I have been searching the want ads in the bulletin we receive from the GA state dept. of agriculture every two weeks for free fertilizer, and about a month ago we finally found someone about 50 miles away who had free horse manure and he was willing to load it for us. He asked us to wait a couple of weeks because he was going to be out of town, but when I called back two weeks later to confirm the pick-up date, I could never get anyone to answer.
That day, another issue of the dept. of ag. bulletin came in the mail and, much to my surprise, there was someone in our county who had free horse manure. When I called him for directions, it turns out that he only lives 3 miles away (next door to one of our friends) and he said he would be happy to load it in our trailer.
When we got there, my brother and I started talking to the owner of the place and it turns out that he grew up in the same town we did (a town about 3 hours away from where we live now) and he went to the same school as my brother. The man's wife works for the same animal rescue group that I work with and they've rescued some horses.
We've gotten 5 loads of free horse manure, and my brother is going back for some for his flower beds. We spread it and tilled our garden and it's lookin' good!