under parapsychology
9.. Rhine Research Center
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Rating: *****
"The main thrusts of the Institute for Parapsychology's research programs are in the areas of ESP and PK.
In ESP research, by using techniques to simulate natural states that seem to promote the occurrence of ESP, we are investigating the role of personality, psychodynamics, personal relationships, and even the content of the ESP "message", and are thus trying to untangle the web of factors that contribute to this unusual form of communication.
Contemporary PK research is revealing that human consciousness alone seems to play a role in determining the outcome of physical processes. This work brings parapsychology face to face with issues at the forefront of physics. While collaborating with other scientists in an effort to understand the basic processes involved, Institute researchers are examining how we use this "ability" and what conditions favor its successful deployment." (from the Center's Research Program)
An excellent resource for current research, news and academic study programs from one of the world's most productive psi research labs.
in one of their links it says this:
(5) The number of established academic, government, and industrial organizations supporting long-term basic research has dwindled alarmingly in the United States. Even worse, sources of funding for non-mainstream, potentially revolutionary blue sky research (of which psi research is the poster child) is virtually nonexistent. In particular, psi research is not supported in mainstream academic science or industrial research in the USA today. Besides the Boundary Institute, there are only a few other organizations in the United States that are actively engaged in scientific exploration of psi and related boundary phenomena (e.g., the Rhine Research Center, the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Laboratory - PEAR, and the Institute for Noetic Sciences). In contrast, in Europe there is both funding and a rapidly growing number of universities and industrial labs investigating psi effects (see the links at the University of Edinburgh's Koestler Unit of Parapsychology).