Edited on Sun Dec-19-04 04:12 AM by Dover
I have posted Hogue's email newsletters before, but really don't know his track record on accuracy...however I must say this one sounds a little like a Geraldo special. I guess we have to take his word for it that these really were sealed too: THE SECRET BUSH PROPHECIES UNSEALED Recorded on 21 December 2000 Friends, It is time to release a series of predictions I made nearly four years ago, on 21 December 2000, around the time the US Supreme Court overruled a re-count in Florida and handed the US presidency to G.W. Bush. I did not publish them, because I hoped such dire auguries about a single or a two-term presidency of George W. Bush would never happen. I had promised myself to release these prophetic documents only if Bush won a second term. Here they are, published for the first time. I will follow these with a present day assessment. Some of these events have already happened in Bush's first term or are well along the way to fulfillment in his second. It must be remembered that the following statements presage the events we all now take for granted sometimes by months and years. I wrote these words and cealed them away long before the economic energy crisis from Enron’s collapse, the 9/11 attacks, the recession of 2002, Bush’s rape of ecology, the retreat of civil rights, the fall of Saddam Hussein, and the occupation of Iraq, to name a few: *** Let us see what may be born out of a Bush presidency in the coming 30 years... "Al Gore, was politically 'assassinated' by a ruling fired from the bench of a politically partisan US. Supreme Court. This court first stopped and killed a re-count of thousands of disputed Florida state ballots. I predict that in a few months' time when reporters and scholars count these ballots without further legal stays by the Bush campaign, they will show that Gore also won this disputed state and its electoral votes by as much as 20,000 votes! "Gore has become the president that never was, as I recently predicted a few weeks ago . If he indeed stands as one of two presidents I foresaw dying in office in the coming four years, he and his family may consider themselves fortunate that his 'death' in office was career oriented--not 'corpus' oriented. He will survive the next four years.
"With Gore denied his destiny, thus we begin the four-year era of a lamed presidency of a divided nation.
"George W. Bush will not finish what is viewed as an illegitimate term in office. He runs the danger of suffering some debilitating nerve related illness from the stress of his job. He also could face fatal injury from either a heart attack, plane accident or from assassination.
"There is danger of assassination from either domestic right wing terrorists or from associate assassins in the employ of Saddam Hussein. Indeed, the revelation of the source of such an assassination attempt could lead to the Third Gulf War I foresee the Bush administration launching in the coming few years.
"It pains me to say this about any human being. I mean the president elect no harm, and I pray that what I am about to say is not going to happen. Take what I am about to say as a warning. Heed it and avoid it, Mr. Bush:
"Before this death in office, President Bush will be seen as a weak president dominated and manipulated by a cabinet of powerful paternal figures and forces outside of his presidency.
"Bush will try to resurrect Reaganomics which is essentially a cold war-style economy; namely, one that among other things increases the debt but builds a large amount of prosperity for the wealthier classes of America by expanding the military.
"You cannot have a cold war economy without creating some kind of cold war. So I fear the Bush administration will manufacture one.
"An arms race in Asia will begin thanks to the President Bush, Secretary of State Colin Powell and Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld's quest to create an ABM (Anti Ballistic Missile) program.
"For the sake of humanity's future there could be no greater mistake seeded into being today. The creation of this program is the doomsday key that could trigger the fulfillment of many of Nostradamus' and other great prophets' predictions that warn us of a third world war coming 'after' the cold war was over.
"If this program is not scrapped an arms race could lead to a nuclear exchange between Pakistan and India, then China and the US and finally Russia and the US. in the 2020s.
"The ABM program will break US disarmament and ABM treaties with Russia, and a 'cold peace' rather than a cold war may result. Arms reductions between the two superpowers will stop. The threat of MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) will return with Russian and US missiles poised to bomb the former cold war adversaries back into the stone age at a moment's notice.
"The Bush tax cut will go forward but it will only slow the recession. By 2002 there will be at least one major economic crisis for America. Fuel and power grid sustainability may be the cause, but I still hold to my belief that a voodoo economy can make up its own rules and right itself. The source of its collapse into a deep recession or even a depression will come from things beyond the voodoo economy's control: ecological and climatic disasters, or shortages in the world of power, food and water. A division between the rich and the poor in America will widen. HMO's will collapse as will the insurance agency.
"World leadership of the surviving superpower will be viewed outside America as mediocre and erratic. This view will encourage more terrorism and wars. The next two years could see a resumed war in the Balkans, if Bush makes good his campaign pledge to pull US ground forces out of Kosovo and Bosnia.
"There will be a third Gulf War between now and 2002. Saddam Hussein will be destroyed in this blood feud between the House of Bush vs. the House of Hussein, but the overthrow of his dictatorship will destabilize the region and bring on Nostradamus' predicted 27-year world war of terrorism.
"I do believe Saddam Hussein is the man Nostradamus points to as the Third Antichrist. If that interpretation is right he will be the first to fall in the next Gulf War, after which America will be targeted by terrorists wielding weapons of mass destruction. New York will be a main target.
"In a Bush presidency, ecologically sound policies to avert the disasters coming from global warming will be delayed. Global warming will speed up. Efforts to create viable alternative energy systems will be delayed. Fossil fuel production will be increased.
" Justice Souter's statements are prophetic. The US Supreme Court has wounded its credibility. New appointees from Bush will see a new Supreme Court that will interpret the US Constitution in favor of corporations over people. Women and ethnic minorities will see many of their gains in civil rights over the past few decades taken away. Thus with the election of a president by five justices of the Supreme Court, we begin what has been foreseen by prophets as a tumultuous era of political and social civil war in America."
In four years time it has become an undisputed fact that Republican Katherine Harris, Secretary of Florida State, denied tens of thousands of predominantly African American democratic party voters their ballot by her felon purging project. In Duval County alone, election officials tossed 27,000 ballots into the trash--of these, 16,000 came from predominantly Democratic precincts. Most of these 16,000 voters, as it turned out, were not convicted felons. A majority of them would have voted for Gore. That means the 20,000 vote edge I predicted Gore would actually have in Florida could have come from nullifying mostly African American ballots in one Florida county alone. The Miami Herald's post-election re-count of all Florida's ballots, released the following year, concluded that Gore would have won the state and the presidency by 23,000 votes were it not for statewide irregularities.
Gore did become the president that never was.
Bush is now half way to the goal of surviving the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction that occurs once every 20 years when presidential elections take place on a year ending in a zero. This astrological aspect has claimed the life of every president since 1840, except for Reagan who survived an assassination attempt in his first term. It is to be hoped that this curse was broken with the survival of Reagan . Bush, therefore, may live out his second term, rendering Gore the victim of a political--and not literal--presidential assassination by dark stars.
Bush did struggle with the shadow of illegitimacy for four years as predicted. A clear majority vote for a second Bush term in 2004 has generally assuaged the stigma of Florida voter fraud in 2000, although voting irregularities in Florida and Ohio in 2004 beg to question legitimacy again. An Ohio re-count has no future; nor will there be a healing. Bush will continue to preside over a deeply divided nation.
The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction had fortunately not weighed in to claim his life in his first term, however, there were three serious attempts to assassinate Bush, that I know of. The secret service thwarted the second and third of these. The first had been a drive-by shooting of the Texas governor's mansion during the 2000 Florida election dispute. Agents apprehended a second heavily armed man in a pickup truck trying to penetrate outer security at the president's Crawford Ranch compound in his first year in office. Later, White House security wounded a third armed man intending to shoot Bush in the Oval Office after they caught him climbing the White House security fence.
Two-term presidents by themselves are rare. Even rarer is the prophetic fact that no president, elected under the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction who has lived unscathed by violence or health danger in his first term has survived a second term in office. President Lincoln survived his first term only to be assassinated a few months into his second. Even Franklin Delano Roosevelt did not survive a second term after the dreaded conjunction. FDR was reelected for an unprecedented third term when Jupiter and Saturn passed together over election night skies in 1940, but he died early in his fourth. Perhaps we can hope that President Bush will be lucky. At least he need not be too concerned of assassins associated with Saddam Hussein, as I incorrectly presaged. That is unless we can consider fundamentalist al-Qaeda operatives, or former deposed and secular Iraqi Baathists as associates in a shared struggle against Western, Judeo-Christian powers, who mount a successful assassination of Bush.
When I predicted cryptically that two presidents might die in office, I left open the potential that Bush could die either before his vice-president "in chief" succumbs to heart trouble, or after Cheney must replace the fallen president only later to die in office himself. Even if President Cheney does not die in office, the man he picks as his vice-president will be the designated neo-Conservative and "Christianist" successor to Bush in 2008.
Bush did launch a third Persian Gulf war half way through his first term as predicted. The first two gulf wars were fought between Iran and Iraq (1980-1988) and Iraq vs. a US coalition in 1991.
Bush found his destiny as a war-on-terror president because of attacks on the US on 11 September 2001. Prior to this, his first 18 months in office were indeed marred by missteps that colored him as a weak and unprepared man for the job. He was then--and still is--regarded by many especially around the world as a puppet president manipulated by powerful and paternal figures in his cabinet. The second term cabinet still includes them. Neo-concervatives such as Vice President Cheney, his political adviser Carl Rove, and Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld. Add Condi Rice also to that list. Bush's former National Security Adviser and new Secretary of State has just replaced the last moderate voice in the cabinet, the former Sec. of State, Colin Powell.
America has never seen its European alliances in worst shape, nor has an American president become more globally unpopular and feared for his unilateralist, erratic, and what some call his "cowboy" diplomacy.
Unfortunately I was right 18 months before 9/11 when I wrote "America will be targeted by terrorists wielding weapons of mass destruction. New York will be a main target."
Two hijacked jets hit the World Trade Center in New York. Even though another hit the Pentagon in Washington DC, and another jet crashed on its way to target, the horrific image and loss of life in New York will forever mark it in every mind as the main target. I am hoping that I did get the sequence wrong--that these attacks were to come as retribution for the US occupying Iraq in a Third Gulf War. However they may presage a future terrorist attack with WMD on New York. If a second attack on America does come, my sense is it will happen at the end of Bush's second term, just before, or in, the year 2008. A backlash of anger, most of it undeserved, could see the Republican Party candidate lose the presidency in 2008. A slim majority of voters will see the attack as a symbol punctuating an inept betrayal of Republican and Bush Administration promises to protect the homeland from a terrorist attack coming through open and unguarded ports and wide open borders with Mexico.
Fortunately, the last four years has not seen a resumption of the Bosnian/Kosovo conflict, although the coming four years will see the region's greatest test as Serbs, Bosnian Muslims and Albanians are handed back much of the power to govern themselves. The wars may return after the last US contingents and the rest of the European SFOR troops depart the Balkans.
Bush has reincarnated Reaganomics and magnified its latent abuses by increasing the national debt twice a fast as Reagan. He has managed in four short years to plunge a historic surplus in the black into a whopping $413 billion deficit red whole. Bush has gone far in constructing a "cold war" style economy, that is, strong on military spending, and tax benefits for the richest 2 percent of Americans. He replaced a Communist threat with new boogie men to fight for decades--Islamist terrorists.
Conspiracy buffs regularly snow me under with imaginatively conjectured theories pointing to the 9/11 attack as the neo-Conservative's version of Hitler's Reichstag fire scam; in other words, a manufactured national crisis enabling them to undermine American freedoms in a new and fascist emergency war government. True, neo-Conservative writings penned as far back as 1992 by men either present in the Cabinet or recently employed by the Bush Administration speak of the need for a "Pearl Harbor" event to gain power and rapidly advance their agenda of a new world order.
Has Bush manufactured an enemy as I predicted he would four years ago?
I will say this. Even less conspiratorial minds gape in disbelief at the many warnings of a terrorist "Pearl Harbor"-style attack shrugged off and ignored by the Bush cabinet until it was too late. The sin of an attack may not be that of commission. Still, the "Commission" on the 9/11 attack, in its final report at the end of 2003 does condemn it as a sin of "omission." Usama bin Laden's designs to attack the US were well known by Bush . He just chose to ignore it. One does not manufacture Pearl Harbor events. One needs only to conveniently forget that the door was left open, accidentally on purpose.
With that said, there is no doubt that Bush did abandon the ABM (anti-ballistic missile) Treaty as I predicted, and now China plans to add another 600 ICBMs to its nuclear tipped arsenal by 2015. North Korea has moved forward with its atomic bomb program and may already have three or four atomic weapons. The governments of South Korea and Japan have openly mused about starting a crash nuclear weapons program to counter the North Korean bomb. The Asian arms race has begun! If this trend to rearmament does not change then a nuclear war between the US and China will happen in the 2020s.
The nuclear crisis I predicted four years earlier for Pakistan and India did happen. But for the pause of forbearance of one man, the Indian Prime Minister, South Asia would have seen the first nuclear bush war between India and Pakistan in late 2001 fought over Kashmir. The second motivation for an Indian nuclear strike was Pakistanis financing, aiding and abetting Kashmiri terrorists who attacked the Indian Parliament shortly after America was attacked in September 2001. Clearly the stratagem of these al-Qaeda linked terrorists was to initiate open war with Muslim Pakistan and Hindu-dominated India.
Usama bin Laden has ever aimed to instigate a war that unites the Islamic world against what he believes are its key enemies: The Royal House of Saud, Israel, and America to the West, the Russians to the North, and Hindu India to the East. Will he try to bring about another Indo-Pakistani nuclear crisis in the near future? You need not be a prophet to bet on it.
Even more likely than this, is a successful assassination of Pakistan's dictator--and America's ally--Musharraf in the next four years. Al-Qaeda would gain a secure base of operations in a radicalized and nuclear Islamist Pakistan.
Now to US relations with Russia.
The initial friendship between Bush and Russian president Putin has cooled. Tensions between Russia and the US over Ukraine's national elections in the autumn of 2004 may forebode the return to a cold war, or better, a cold peace as predicted four years back.
Now to the economic predictions.
Bush's tax cut did go forward--not one but two cuts. These did only slow the recession, as predicted. The economic crises for America's middle class has come. Bush's fuzzy-math economics are reminiscent of the Reagan years voodoo economics, only he has less capital to thriftly spend away than Reagan did. Bush puts a lot of lipstick on a pig of modest economic growth for some--mostly the upper middle class and the rich. Still, we can give and continue to give a pig's kiss goodbye to jobs outsourced in a second term. The dollar has fallen to historic lows against the Euro and the British pound. Interest rates will rise, and the emperor's new clothes of invisible inflation will finally be exposed for all to see in 2005 onwards. The division between American rich and poor has widened as predicted and it will continue.
The economic crisis did take place in 2002. It must be remembered that I wrote about an energy-related economic crisis long before the Enron debacle. Enron’s demise, along with the 9/11 attacks, exacerbated the collapse of the airline and other industries, but the recession has since moderated for some parts of the economy. Shortages of power and energy are still here as I predicted, but a larger energy and financial crisis I foresaw remains lurking in the second term of Bush. It will come again because of disruptions in Middle Eastern oil exports. America's growing military disaster in Iraq will trigger it sometime in the latter half of 2005, or as late as the summer of 2007.
Now to the Middle East.
Four years ago I did personally believe that Saddam Hussein had the highest likelihood for being Nostradamus' Third Antichrist. He was deposed in a Third Gulf War, as foreseen. US occupiers, hunted down and killed the heirs, his sons Uday and Qusay. Saddam Hussein's trial is about to begin soon and the year 2005 will see him as the last of the House of Hussein destroyed in his blood feud with the House of Bush.
Perhaps Nostradamus' 27-year war of the Third Antichrist--code named "Mabus"--has begun. Bush and bin Laden are the key adversaries in this war--and the key candidates for Mabus who are still in power, and waging war. Saddam Hussein has been the first to "fall" from power, and perhaps quite soon will fall, dangling on a hangman's noose after a swift Iraqi trial. Today I no longer "personally" believe as I did four years ago that Saddam is the front runner for Nostradamus' Third Antichrist. The two final contenders now appear to be Bush and bin Laden. However, beyond what I, or any one else, personally thinks, we must divine what Nostradamus was thinking, four-and-a-half centuries ago, when he wrote his prophecies.
One aspect of my prophecy of four years ago is right on schedule: The war and occupation of Iraq and the overthrow of Saddam Hussein's dictatorship "have" destabilized the Middle East. It would seem Nostradamus' 27-year war of the Third Antichrist has indeed begun. The timing of Saddam's quick fall and quick lynching soon next year gives his dark destiny one last claim to be the "first to fall" in Nostradamus' Third Antichrist prophecies.
Consider how the near future could worsen, by design or by chance when Saddam dies. His execution will come in 2005 or 2006 at the latest, just when the US military occupation of Iraq is most likely to collapse and a three-way civil war erupts between Kurds, Sunni and Shia Iraqis. The Middle East begins to sink into a widening chaos. Shortly after Saddam's execution, American forces in Iraq find themselves flanked by terrorists undermining the Saudi Arabian rulers to the West. To the East, Shia dominated Iran, a burgeoning nuclear power, openly finances and arms Shia Iraqis in their fight against Sunnis, Kurds and American occupying troops. In the year that Saddam is executed, or shortly afterwards, tensions between the US and Iran lead to a US-Israeli air strike of Iranian command centers, missile and air bases and nuclear weapon manufacturing sites. Iran pumps thousands of troops and irregulars into Afghanistan and Iraq to fight Americans there. Iranian Shahab and Fateh missiles rain down on US bases around the Persian Gulf, in Bahrain, Qatar, and Kuwait. They fall on the Green Zone in Baghdad. They fall on Israel--a nuclear power with approximately 200 to 400 atomic warheads. When Saddam falls forever, and the war widens, will dreams of Israeli and Palestinian peace be dead? Will Israel strike Iran with her own weapons of mass destruction?
If all these escalations should transpire and consume the entire Middle Eastern region, the land of biblical Armageddon, in the year or shortly after the year of Saddam Hussein's execution, what then can Nostradamus watchers conclude about the timing?
Would Saddam Hussein yet become "Mabus" the "first to fall" from which "shortly after" comes a "terrible destruction of people and animals" across the Middle East? Was this what Nostradamus saw?
Time and events will tell.
Let us move on to other things predicted accurately four years ago.
Bush's ecological policies did hasten the pace of global warming. Fossil fuel demand and consumption are at an all time high, as supply slackens. Ten years ago I proposed that humanity would not fight the third world war over differences of religion, or politics. It would come as a global plague of nuclear bush wars fought to control dwindling resources of fossil fuel, food and water. This is what a Pentagon study a decade after I published "The Millennium Book of Prophecy" (see http://www.hogueprophecy.com/mllbk.htm) recently coined as "climate wars."
So far, Bush's "Armageddonomic" policies are on track to harvest such a future, twenty years hence. I must state for the record that this president is at least a passive proponent of current evangelical interpretations of "end times" prophecy. He subscribes to evangel-pop interpretations of the Book of Revelation that require among many things that a third of the world must be destroyed before the messiah can return. I do not believe he openly strives to make this so. Perhaps Bush is an unconscious dupe with the power to advance such a future by small or large steps in the next four years.
Now to the apocalypse about to be waged on American freedoms.
The US courts under Bush have put the body corporate before the body politic--average citizens. Patience delayed Bush's fulfillment of predictions I made seeing him replacing retiring Supreme Court justices. The second term, however, will see that transformation of the Supreme Court to the extreme right accomplished. Bush's second most lasting legacy (beyond being a catalyst for economic and military disasters) will be his successful effort to swing the Supreme Court, the Appellate Courts and the rest of the judicial system to the right for a generation. In Bush's next four years, the neo-Conservative-cum-evangelical crusade will begin to turn the social clock back decades for women's and minority rights. The Supreme Court may not overthrow Roe v. Wade in Bush's second term, but it will fall nonetheless, even with a Democrat president in office after 2008, because of the right-wing Supreme Court Bush will leave behind. Four years ago, I predicted a civil, secular and religious divide of America. It is here, entrenched across the US map in bastions of blue-liberal states in a sea of rural red-conservative states.
I would like to close with the second half of the prophecy manuscript from four years ago. Back then I proposed a solution or at least a constructive response to these dire predictions. What I wrote back in 2000 may be pertinent--if not more pertinent--now. The bracketed additions are notes from today:
"The future of America's body politic is not pretty, but perhaps such a future is necessary. A puppet president might shock the American people from their sleep in the bed of fossilized traditions. "When I say that, I do not mean the Democrats are going to make things much better in an Al Gore presidency in 2004 or in a Hillary Clinton presidency in 2008.
"The Democrats may have more sensitivity to the poor, the ecology, etc., but real lasting change in the human condition will never come from political parties or politics, as such. Both parties are two sides of the same problem. All parties are the problem!
"The first thing we all need to understand is this: civilization has yet to happen on this planet! Democracy has yet to appear in the world!
"We are still waiting for the birth of the human race on this planet. It has not happened yet. The seed potential of humanity has not collectively flowered. True, there have been individuals who have reached their full potential of being aware and loving human beings. You have flowering individuals like Radha, Buddha, Rabya, Jesus, Socrates, Gurdjieff, Osho, and Krishnamurti, etc., but what we call humanity is better defined in fact by a contemporary Sufi mystic, Suleiman Dede, as 'talking animals.'
"Talking animals rule by Mobocracy. That is what we have today in the world. The spread of Mobocracy. A real Democracy has never happened on this planet, because you need a real humanity first, not one that conditions its children from birth onwards to be identified with borrowed knowledge, dead moralities, fear, hate, mediocrity and hypocrisy.
"If we do not awaken to this fact that we have not yet seen Democracy born in this world then our mobocracies will see the world overtaken by a new form of global fascism in the 2020s. Fascism will arise again out of the chaos of a humanity that has over-bread, over fed and over exploited its world. The entire world and its mobocrasies will become another version of the Weimar Republic of Germany between the world wars. Weak and ineffective democracies in the 2020s and 2030s could be replaced by new Hitlers promising messianic salvation and order.
"Awaken to the fact that neither your humanity nor your democratic values have flowered yet. If enough individuals awaken to this challenge many of the dire predictions I've made today could still be avoided.
"It may turn out that Democracy may yet arrive on this planet when all political parties--and the political mind as such--fade away. What we need is a system of governing that is a-political. Something that is more a skill, such as being a surgeon. Do we vote for which surgeon will operate on us? We must look at the job of wielding power as something requiring the highest training in ethics, wisdom, meditativeness, and civic responsibility. A leader in that system, as well as the voters who choose him or her, must be judged by their merits to rule or to choose a ruler.
"What is needed in the world is a Meritocracy, not the current Mobocracy. The political system I would support is still waiting for us a few centuries ahead of these troubled times. But such a system lies within each of us like a seed ready to sprout and blossom now, only if we begin husbanding the seed of Meritocracy today."