there are lots of things that can bring your vibration down. Being embedded in 'issues' are one of these things. NEgative emotions like anger, unresolved childhood or pastlife trauma, karmic issues, and even deep fears which go unrecognized can keep you "down."
There is no chemical solution to these things. The "issues" and fears whatever they are, have to be recognized and passed through. You can't cover them up, you can't hide from them, and you can't run away. There isn't any morality here. Its just that your body (which is different from your Spirit) can't accept the higher vibrations of consciousness and energy without being able to face its own truths. Spirit knows only truth and so you have to learn to live in the truth if you are to vibrate higher. This includes big truths like the nature of the universe and all that jazz, and little truths like the truths of your lives both past and present.
That said though, often the solution to what bogs you down comes with a simple shift in perspective. Putting aside fears of God (judgment and damnation) and shame (we all make mistakes) and learning to accept yourself and love yourself unconditionally (as does Spirit/GOD) can go along way towards the healing.
I don't want to sound like a commercial here but I've been told that my book "The Book of LIfe: Ascension and the Divine World Order" help with that all important shift in perspective. There are lots of people who have read it on these forums so you can ask them what they think.
I hope this helps