Saturn is often considered the Taskmaster Planet, and when it's retrograde? Well, there's no two ways about it: Issues of authority come to the fore, and a conservative attitude toward responsibilities creeps into even the most free-spirited souls. Whether consciously or not, you've probably been experiencing Saturn's four-and-a-half-month retrograde as a time to reflect on past decisions and learn from your mistakes ... but definitely not a time to easily charge toward your goals. Well all that's about to change as Saturn turns direct on April 5!
That's right, Earthlings -- our cosmic chaperone is pushing curfew back an hour and reconsidering his ban on loud music and piercings. (And you'll notice the transition even more once the planet leaves its 'stationary' period, about 12 days after returning to direct movement.) Saturn's energy, which rules issues of control and organization, is becoming increasingly liberal and forward-thinking. Better yet, the time you've spent reflecting on your journey has left you poised to move full steam ahead.
This lifting of restrictions takes place with Saturn in Leo, and that drama-loving Lion always makes sure the spotlight rests squarely on the individual. Both Saturn and Leo also rule issues of leadership, making this a time to establish your own boundaries, strive for self-improvement and unleash your creativity on the world. Enjoy!
(From an E-mail sent to me from www.astrology.com.)