'Kay, I know about the need to study the daily and weekly 'scopes for your Rising as well as Sun sign, but the Taurus forecast for this week from FWA.com is awesome:
"Lately I have this recurring vision of you crawling up out of a deep hole. I've even had two dreams with that theme. Each time, you seem to defy gravity as you climb by clawing at the sides of the hole and pulling yourself higher and higher until you finally emerge into daylight. Why am I having these fantasies? Are they a metaphor for your life right now? I shudder to think that you've been in an abyss as profound as the one I've been seeing, though I'm ecstatic about the prospect that you're about to escape."
Hee. Love it. This is, for the most part, how I feel. I have also been enjoying images of me climbing out of a very, very deep abyss, only mine looks like a huge hole dug in the sand of a vast beach. I wonder what the significance of that is?