Edited on Fri Apr-14-06 03:57 AM by rumpel
Several books talk about thought being an energy form, writing and actually putting them to words supposedly brings it closer to manifestation. Ever since, I have been trying very hard to be positive. This is extremely difficult, as when crisis strikes, you have to weigh all options and scenarios including negative ones. Negativity however paralyzes, and therefore any creative solution will not materialize.
If past present and future is not linear, this means the future is now and the past is now, then it is conceivable that your present thought for a future event has already manifested in the now and is in the past. A mind twister but a theory of space/time. :)
I have a very strong feeling that the Iran conflict will not spiral down that path, and in my mind I am trying to overrule the many, who say it will. Sending positive energy to those in power to be able to evolve, perhaps. I do not believe on the global consciousness level people want another conflict, and yet at the same time they resign to the negative thought, as if it was fact.
Bush & Co unfortunately has reversed the course of Iran, which I thought was loosening it's grip of theocracy. With the invasion of Iraq he re-ignited the extremism out of total ignorance and disrespect of the history and cultures of the different peoples in the Middle East. The world is reacting out of fear of, what many believe, to be an obsessed man, so the threatened countries like Iran elect an equally obsessed man. While the rest of the world watches, as if to say, what is this fool going to think of next. He has never learned to walk in someone else's moccasins. People have started to see that and are now saying enough is enough.
Technically, I think the previous resolution has already given him a carte blanche, he can pre-emptively strike any country. But high level military officials are reportedly saying they will resign, what a relief to know we have them. I will send them all positive energy of support. I do not think it will get to that point, but I agree, we should envision refusal to obey orders, and hopefully we the people will envision and demand the administration to resign for gross mismanagement and endangering this country and many others.
It will take a lot of healing & positive energy=thought. So let's start.