I originally put this post up in the course in miracles thread. But after I wrote it I added a couple of lines for clarity and I realized it applies to other New Age manipulations out there too..
Within the course in miracles there are dangerous assumptions about the origins of the suffering in life people go through.Helen Schucman is a psychologist. So should KNOW better than to write this stuff as if it is therapy. A real trustworthy well TRAINED psychologist with a sense of ethics and empathy for those she seeks to help should not be rationalizing blaming victims for their suffering and unconscious thought processes.
The course in miracles is built upon the premise we "chose" to think our way to our suffering lives.This on the surface looks innocuous maybe even"empowering". But in practice it is very destructive and dis-empowering.If you take this idea she is saying to it's logical conclusions you will realize she is saying children who are raped they by their own thinking "chose" to leave the bliss of god to experience pedophilia.That battered women"chose" to be battered,Sex Slaves"chose"the obscene abuses they go through.
It's really sick to claim what a person 'believes' deep inside themselves ids why they chose to be sent away from god, into a body just to suffer ,all because they think bad thoughts that make bad realities happen all because they forgot they were god.A book like the course in miracles can be bought by anyone,and when desperate hurting people can be harmed by it's teachings it's really sad. Traumatized people should not read it because of the blaming victims for the painful lives they incarnated into mind games she plays in the'course'.
Helen Schucman claims she "channeled" Jesus as she wrote the Course in Miracles.She is a THERAPIST who should KNOW better than to claim she mysteriously wrote such manipulative books that RE TRAUMATIZE victims..and even worse, She says our own beliefs and unconscious processes are what causes us ALL our suffering in life every accident,cancer,mental illness..bad relationships. She is teaching DENIAL and shame and self doubt about thinking..and for traumatized people this can be very dangerous to their sanity..
Her ideas are not new, or original they are not all that"Christian",definitely not Gnostic. The way she uses concepts of "thought reversal" responsibility, and beliefs can be used to minimize and gloss over and excuse all sorts of atrocities from child abuse to cultural crimes like the Caste system.
After all in her opinion,everyone "chooses" their lives with their 'free will. No mention of coercion,lack of information or other factors that occur in life that mitigate the exercise of free will.. Isn't THAT convenient! For HER!.She isn't conscientious ethically and she is not talking as Jesus at all if she is channeling such evil manipulating information that is so abusive,full of guilt inducing claims of impossible burdens of responsibility claiming such lies like someone would "choose" the misery of breast cancer, that whole concept is ludicrous.
Lets look at a few lines..in the Course in Miracles..
The Course exhorts the student to use the ideas presented even though they "will be hard to believe," while others may be "quite startling"
(Preface ix).
Of course those ideas are startling and hard to believe,because it is WRONG,evil and abusive.The reaction to recoil she is anticipating here is self protective response that is NORMAL to have to such a manipulative idea,because it is manipulation. And she admits it herself..
It unashamedly admits that "it cannot be too strongly emphasized that this course aims at a complete reversal of thought" (Manual 24).
Reversal of thought is another sly twisting of language to disguise the real meaning which is thought control.. Which is a process of thought manipulation or thought stopping aimed at Changing who you ARE, by systematically encouraging a seeker to Erase their own trust in your own thoughts by uncovering the unconscious mechanisms and self protective mechanisms a personality has built up in their life to stabilize their own personality to cope with life's problems and shocks and deal with society and to cope with the unconscious drives that are not all that 'nice',that all of us have,that we carry from the hurts and bad experiences in our lives or to protect us..the shadow and 'other' disowned self,that even trained therapists have to learn to accept as ok,understand it in themselves to be capable of helping others deal with their unconscious inside. You can't just murder a part of who you are you don't like without dire consequences.
A course in Miracles has entire lesson devoted to changing the student from all he or she currently believes. This lesson is entitled "My thoughts do not mean anything" (Workbook, 10)
This lesson title is in FIRST PERSON narrative and is a DECLARATIVE statement. This kind of statement is a type of loaded speaking called Neuro linguistic programming.. It is a manipulative use of language,marketers use it, CNN does,Psyops uses it. Helen's use of NLP makes language into TOXIC and imposing presupposition on readers it is NLP.
(The translated chapter title taken out of NLP speak,the underlying unconscious reading of that is :
"You,the reader,your thoughts do not mean anything" And because our thoughts and the inner dialog inside as in"thinking" is one way we orient ourselves in the world and can understand who we are through our conscious self perception. So ,her NLP chapter title is even more insidious...it says.."YOU are nothing because all those thoughts of yours,you have inside that self you made, it means NOTHING too and because you think and do not control everything in those thoughts perfectly as GOD does,you are worthless no matter what you think. The Chapter lesson with this EVIL title than instructs you in HOW to throw your mind away and think no more because your thoughts are wrong and harming you and the source of your pain and separation from God..
This sort of "therapy" is DANGEROUS thing to encourage people to do to their own minds and thoughts,because some thoughts even in the most tortured and confused minds are beautiful and belong to that person alone and are theirs and their alone to use as they want to. The name for this mind murdering is "Menticide".She is encouraging Mentacide. Some*gag* Miracle.
When you desperately try to heal by following some pseudo psychological New Age book telling you to tear up everything nasty perceptive wise in your mind and basically kill it to help alleviate your pain,it can invite a mental breakdown and actually destabilize your personality because the course teaches you to mistrust your own mental processes hunt them down and kill them. Training you to treat your own thoughts as if they are suspects,enemies to your own well being,or even worse every bad event in your life that still hurts you or you are not ready to"forgive" or stop keeps you away from god and make you unloveable..Don't let a course in miracles convince you to silence and fear and murder your own thoughts as if mere thoughts of a body of flesh is so powerful it can keep you isolated from your god. That is a big pile of BULLSHIT.
Anyone who's following a "book" and ends up being frightened and suspicious of their own minds and about who they are..Who are tearing into themselves and questioning all their thought processing,can become unaware of being VERY vulnerable to outside influences and manipulators who offer them ANY stability,acceptance,love or reassurances..Especially love-bombing techniques from charismatic(read sociopaths) Personalities and Gurus.
The sorts of manipulative statements like the ones I excerpted from A course in miracles are all throughout those books.
If you already know anything about Neuro Linguistic programming and manipulation techniques,look at the words, the books are is FULL of it, The obvious cues and statements are NLP,guaranteed to mess your head up.
I think , Helen Schucman who wrote that book is evil, she is dangerous,a criminal, a sadist and a liar, hurting and misleading people .She should have her license to practice therapy revoked by the APA.
Another critic
http://skepdic.com/comments/cimcom.htmlAnd if you can,remember these quotes
if you find yourself deeper into the course in miracles..and breaking down..
The Nazis, through clever exploitation of their victims' unconscious guilt after poking into the back corners of their minds, were often able to convert courageous resistance fighters into meek collaborators....
...The sudden outbreak of hidden moral flaws and guilt can bring a man to tears and complete breakdown. He regresses to the dependency and submissiveness of the baby.
Thought reversal?? Digging out my hidden moral flaws than blaming myself for them all will solve all my worldly problems and reunite me with god.... my response is to anyone saying "thought reversal" will cure me,..is a two fingered Fuck you.
The denial of human freedom.. ( and I add freedom of thought here too)
and equality lifts the authoritarian man beyond his mortal fellows. His temporary power and omnipotence give him the illusion of eternity. In his totalitarianism he denies death and ephemeral existence and borrows power from the future.(the thief of everyone else's tomorrows) He has to invent and formulate a final Truth and protective dogma to justify his battle against mortality and temporariness. From then on, the new fundamental certainty must be hammered into the minds of adepts and slaves.
I know there are many sociopath personalities scamming and abusing people in this world .Hammering in a billion different "truths" in billions of minds,and sadly, destroying some of them. Be wary out there.
Educate yourself about manipulation,sociopaths and mind control . It may very well save your mind when you tread into the unknown mysteries and occult knowledge you might explore on your search for spiritual wisdom..