With all due respect, the comments given to you by others are much too narrow and simplistic, in my opinion. They are not looking at your chart as a whole, and certainly not looking at the whole Mercury grouping.
I am aghast that you would be told that because of a Merc in Taurus you cannot write fiction, and because of Uranus in the first you are too insane to write! Good Lord! First of all I think that is not the way to talk to clients, and secondly I do not see it that way at all, in fact the opposite as I will describe below. It is really important to look at the chart as a whole and put it all together. When you interpret a chart you have to break it down into its specific pieces, but for the love of heaven, you have to put it all back together to interpret it correctly! FYI at the end of this post I make some general comments about chart interpretation that might help you see what I am talking about.
For the people who made the comment about your Merc in Taurus, they should have stepped back and really looked at its placement. I agree that a Taurus Merc, if it were sitting all by itself could be boring and pedantic. However that is not what you have! Just look at your chart. Do you see the three planets and Chiron all lined up in a stellium? That Merc in Taurus is not sitting by itself in isolation. (And on a technical note some may think the orbs are a bit wide, or may quibble that two of the planets are in other signs, but I disagree. They are close enough to affect each other, and the different signs make for a very interesting mix. And some may object to me considering Chiron in that grouping, but again I disagree. How can you just discount data that is sitting right in front of your eyes?). Your stellium is half earth, half fire. Mer in Taurus sounds quite boring by itself I agree. However yours is in a lineup with Chiron, Mars and Venus and the later are in Aries. Wowy. That gives it an entirely different feel. There is a little power house of planets all feeding energy to each other. A combination of earth and fire. Think of tuning forks, all vibrating with different energy, fire and earth energy. The energy all combines in a unique way. And then the house placement tells you where they will manifest. And since they are in the 6th house it is going to affect health and work the most. Again when you write it has to be with the intent of being some sort of service to humanity. And I certainly think that fiction can do that as well as non fiction. Providing entertainment that allows people to relax, or escape, or learn and grow is of service.
So I do not see you can interpret that Merc in Taurus without looking at the whole grouping. The Mars is in Aries and that makes for a very brash, bold, aggressive, impatient and reckless energy. Venus in Aries is passionate, erotic, idealistic, hedonistic, impulsive and demanding. And the Mars and Venus are conjunct to there is the very sensual and passionate feeling, romantic idealism, very affectionate. Frankly I am glad there is an earth anchor to these two planets. You can express all that energy in a practical down to earth way. And all that fire hitting your Merc certainly jazzes it up!
Also it is important when interpreting a chart to listen to the question the client is asking and think it through. Someone who wants to be creative and an artist, especially one who wants to write horror fiction is going to need a bit of insanity in their chart, especially one that has so much earth in it. So the Uranus in the first and Pluto in the 12th are nice additions, perhaps even necessary additions. A dash of darkness and chaos to add angst that earth. And you have Chiron sitting on top of your Merc, which means you have some woundedness to your communication. But again I think that is what makes a good artist, the angst and suffering, the struggle, other wise you would be too boring to be a good artist, if that makes sense! Some touches of insanity if you will, are going to be very helpful in your artistic career. The links between madness and creativity are well documented in the psych research literature. Please hear me though that you have just enough to be an interesting writer, not necessarily enough for full blown clinical syndromes! You have all that earth mitigating it.
And I did consider and think strongly about that Merc in Taurus, and in fact all that earth in your chart, but you also have just as much fire in your chart. So I think the earth makes a nice balance. All the fire in you chart indicates that our have creativity, intuition, optimism, insight intelligent, vision, motivation. On the other side you can be prone to not competing tasks, or get burned out. But all the earth in your chart is going to help mitigate that.
Something else that keeps coming up in your chart is a need for security and external validation and that may be holding you back. You need to move from an external locus of control, (tapes form thru authority figures, teachers, gurus, etc) and into an inner locus that is the voice of the Self. When you can achieve this you can be quite capable of acting as a guide to life both for yourself and society. (Moon in Cap)
With your sun in Taurus, you are going to be seeing the world primarily thru your senses. You tend to be obstinate and unmoving and have to learn perseverance and endurance. That is a theme that keeps coming up over and over in your chart, by the way. That you must focus on slow and steady progress and not get impatient. You must also know when to move on, and get out of a rut. And a main lesson is that you must learn to achieve inner security rather than identify with possessions, money, and status. This theme keeps coming up over and over again in your chart.
Your Scorpio ascendant when expressed positively can be penetrating, insightful and capable of healing self and others. It can have a dark side and be suspicious, hostile and vindictive, but if you can control these might be really nice for the horror stories!
Uranus in the first house means that you came back into this life expecting chaos ad sudden upheavals and upsets. This soul may need constant stimulation and acceptance of self as an individual. It is an independent soul who needs others to support that or it will feel smothered. A karmic lesson is to evolve steadily rather than under go thru periodic total change and revolution as a means of growth.
Too little air can mean that you act on feelings rather than logical and rational thought, have a hard time being objective, but you have enough earth perhaps to balance that out. But again these are not bad traits for some one who wants to write fiction. You may want to try to learn detachment a bit without losing the connection to feelings, and use your mind and spiritual awareness to connect to world.
You have that fire and earth combination which suggests enormous staying power and you can use the earthy part o harness the fire. You will want to use your passion in an n earthy practical way perhaps.
Also you might want to think about writing some novels with sexual components. You have a a lot of sensuality, erotic stuff, passion and some intensity in your chart, and you could really write some nice bodice ripper type novels I think. If that is not your thing, at least think about adding it to your fiction. Your chart seems very erotic to me with all that fire and earth, and the Mars, Venus, Merc combination. And with the 12h Pluto have you thought about writng Gothic type romances? Or some sort of thrillers, horror, romantic, sexual combination? I think that there are several genres that lend itself to that combination.
Chart interpretation is a very complicated process. First you have to break down all the parts and determine the meaning of each. Then you have to look at the groupings of the pieces and evaluate them in that context. Then you have to step back and look at the chart as a whole. And then have to address the specific questions the client is asking. And interpret in the context of the person’s personal situation and history, due to the whole free will aspect. So it is a complicated and tricky process, where you are juggling a lot of balls at one time, and synthesizing tremendous amounts of data. I come to astrology with a lot of experience doing that kind of thing from my day job! Large amounts of data which I have to interpret in just the way you have to do for astrology. And then explain it to others with no training in the field and answer their specific questions.
I think a good astrologer has to be very good technically, stay close to the data, but then must synthesize data on many levels, and then interpret in the context of the individual client in way that has meaning to their specific questions. I do not claim to be an expert, I am just learning, but it seems these are the goals as I see them.