You might also pick up a copy of Robert Hand's book, Planets in Transit and read more. Or, if you have done a chart at Astrodienst's web site (even if only approximate on the time) your transits will show up there (with explanations by Robert Hand). The year of my P sq P, my Mother died and many things in my life 'died'. In retrospect I see how my life as I'd known it was going through a death and was all for the better. But who would ever voluntarily go through such pain to get there? The grieving period for all this 'death' in my life lasted for quite some time. But the Sun will come out again, and getting support during these trials from wherever you can find it, is essential. By the way, I'm not necessarily recommending the following author, just found this online in a search. Robert Hand is much better as are some other authors:
Mid-life Transit: Pluto Square Pluto
When you reach your late 30s you approach another turning point in life where you are given the opportunity to release the past and evolve further into your own authentic self. Having completed your Saturn Return, you are now looking at your midlife transits. Midlife is hallmarked by four major transits of the outer planets.
Because the orbit of each planet differs, these aspects will occur at different times or each person. Some generations did not experience them until they were more solidly into their 40s, but as of the writing of this article, they are occuring as early as age 36. To discover when these aspects are in effect you should sit down with an astrologer for a consultation.
The four transits will take you through approximately ages 36-45. They are:
Transiting Pluto square natal Pluto
Transiting Neptune square natal Neptune
Transiting Uranus opposite natal Uranus
Transiting Saturn opposite natal Saturn
To summarize the nature of the planets and their midlife transit effects:
Uranus is the planet of surprise, bringing sudden shocks, changes, upsetting issues situations, eccentricity and the unusual. Where Uranus sits natally, is transiting and rules is where you need to exercise more individuality and independence.
Neptune's nature is to confuse and obscure reality. You can end up feeling as though your existence and accomplishments up to now are worth nothing. You are faced with questioning yourself and working through things an emerging with a new spiritual connection - or you could escape reality buy delving into obsessions and addictions with sex, drugs, alcohol or lying.
The nature of Pluto is transformation, destruction and control in order to create something authentic. Where you have been playing around and not being serious, you will get serious now because everything will come to ashes around you and you will need to rebuild.
When these three outer planets have finished their wild ride with you, serious Saturn joins the fray for the final lesson around the age of 44/45. The nature of Saturn is limitations, restrictions, structures, discipline, reality and resistance. These are challenging, difficult and often painful situations in our lives. We may suffer from depression, repressed anger, physical illnesses (especially bones and teeth) due to the heavy responsibiities we are carrying in life - family relationships, work situations or attempts to pursue an authentic life. Mental illness is possible if a stable base cannot be formed in life. This is where astrology works! By being conscious and knowing where Saturn is in your chart you can make beneficial changes....cont'd