Edited on Thu Apr-20-06 06:45 PM by BlueIris
As I'm not a reader myself, I can't answer your questions with any sort of authority. But FWIW, my own reader, who is a teacher like yours, has always said that she would never discuss the content of our readings with others. She's also said on a number of occasions that her cards won't "gossip" (ie; won't give her info about others in my life) and that she's never been able to get them to do anything like that for anyone. To paraphrase her, "If you want to know whether or not your sister will actually marry the man she just got engaged to, I can only tell you whether it's possible that you'll be invited to a wedding soon." Out of curiosity--have your cards always done that? Shown info about other figures in your subjects' lives?
As to whether or not it's ever appropriate to share info you learn about your subject with people other than your subject, as a non-reader, I'm going to go ahead and say no. (I also think maybe you should tell people rude enough to ask you for "inside info" about those you've done readings for to get bent stop trying to get you to violate your obligation to protect your querents' privacy; that kind of thing could give you a bad reputation, you know?) I really can't tell you if it's appropriate to be telling your querents what may be going on in the lives of others around them, but I'm wondering--how do you know that the info you're getting about these others is accurate, as opposed to being info that is colored mainly by the querents' perspectives on what might be going on with those others? Just a couple things to consider on that score.
Finally, I LOVE Mary Greer. Have you read "Tarot Reversals"? It's excellent.