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THE MOON THREAD - by StellaNoir & Pallas180

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Home » Discuss » DU Groups » Religion & Spirituality » Astrology, Spirituality & Alternative Healing Group Donate to DU
Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-26-04 11:09 AM
Original message
THE MOON THREAD - by StellaNoir & Pallas180
Edited on Sun Dec-26-04 11:18 AM by Pallas180
The Moon in our charts represents emotions and more or less
our daily feelings and changes.

From New Moon to the next New Moon is usually a period of about 29 days.

New Moon is "Waxing" - i.e. growing in strength and size and light, while Full Moon begins the "Waning" - i.e. decreasing in size and light.

The periods of the Moon are : New Moon, First Quarter Moon, Full Quarter Moon, Last Quarter Moon.

Of course the Almanac used by farmers for planting has always given
this information. And it's a good metaphor.

Plant your seeds/begin something new, a few days after the New Moon through the First Quarter while the Moon is growing in light.

Full Moon is a time of culmination, a turning point, can be a time of
fruition or ending. If you want to start something, like a new business or anything new, do not do it on a Full Moon or last quarter Moon. Always begin right after the New Moon through the First Quarter.

Doing the horoscope of the New Moon each month, more or less tells you the influences of the coming month.

So here we go. And feel free to chime in.
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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-26-04 11:53 AM
Response to Original message
1. Today Dec 26 2004 is a Full Moon at 5 Cancer
Subject: Today Dec 26 2004 is a Full Moon at 5 Cancer.

For those of you who are heavily Cancerian of sun/moon sign or many planets in Cancer: please stop baying at the Moon. You're disturbing the neighbors.

More seriously, since Cancer is a very sensitive sign anyway and known to be quite moody, a Full Moon in your sign might produce hyper sensitivity or sadness among other things. And then there's always the werewolf syndrome.

The Full Moon occurred Dec 26 2004 at 10:06 AM EST at 5 Cancer.
And I used Wash DC for the place, for a generality. (Sorry, I have not mastered transferring the chart here, but maybe one of the "elves"
will do that).

Two things pop out at me in this Full Moon chart. Uranus is in the first house and squaring Mars in the 9th of foreign lands, while at the same time Saturn is in the sixth house of our military and the people opposed by Chiron of the wounding in the 12th, Exactly.

This doesn't sound like a good time for our people in foreign lands, and speaks of wounding and losses and sudden eruptions of fighting.

Also with Saturn opposing Chiron from the sixth to the 12th house, it would seem that this would be the month that the elderly might be having health issues.

The aspects for this Full Moon ( which would last until the next New Moon are:

Mon Opp Sun 0°00' Approaching
Mon Tri Ura 1°29' Separating
Mon Tri SNo 5°15' S

Mon Sqq Asc 0°06' A
Mon Qnx MC 1°35' A
Mon SSq PF 0°06' A

(sqq means sesquiquadrate or 135 degrees)

(SSq means semisquare or 45 degrees)

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NMDemDist2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-26-04 12:35 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. P180 is the chart of the above posted on the web? or just resident on your

if it is resident on the web, right click the image of the chart, go to "properties" then copy the the location (highlight the http:... part then hold the "ctrl" key and hit "c") come here to your post and hold the "ctrl" key and hit "v"

it should then show the location of the chart as a web address that ends with ".gif" or ".jpeg"

hit "preveiw" and the chart should show up :)
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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-26-04 06:30 PM
Response to Reply #2
5. AZ DEM - thanks, I remembered your telling me last time but
no the chart was not on the web, so no "properties" to copy and paste.

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splat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-26-04 12:56 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. inside out today
I was born at the opposite full moon, Sun in Cancer, Moon in Capricorn.

I couldn't sleep last night, despite the tiredness of a long day that began with putting a turkey in the oven. I meandered the net till 3:36, and was awakened by an amorous spouse at 7:45.

We canceled all plans for the day except playing with our presents, football on tv, great leftovers and snow coming in. The cave is cozy.

I'm going to unhunch my shoulders now, take a shower and get into that sweet spot.


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stellanoir Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-26-04 02:49 PM
Response to Original message
4. LOL. . .I've never co-posted a thread whilst out of my body before. . .
too funny !

The Moon will remain in Cancer until 12:14 pm EST on Tuesday when it enters sometimes lighthearted Leo.

The Moon in Cancer is all about emotional healing and redefining nurture and sometimes wanting your mommie or wishing she was someone else. It can be a bit moody and broody. "Winge-ith not" and only dump on those who can handle it or are truly deserving.

The Moon will form a quincunx with Mercury And Venus around midnight (EST) tonight so if you're awake, you may have some miscommunications with a loved one or two. You may be misunderstood, or say something you'll later regret. If you're asleep, you may have quirky or prophet dream that you're more than likely to forget.

It'll square Jupiter at 9:38 am EST on Monday. This aspect could make us feel temporarily that everyone else had more fun and got better stuff over Christmas than we did.

We'll hopefully all lighten up by 11:32 am EST when Venus sextiles Neptune. This is an aspect of healing, forgiveness, integration, inspiration and acceptance. Consider developing a crush. or maybe fantasize about a better world to come, or just get creative. Finger painting is always fun. With Sagg and Aquarius involved, the weirder the better.

Then, when the Moon conjoins Saturn at 2:34 am EST on Tuesday, reality may just bite. This is a heavy aspect but is great for breaking bad habits but not without some serious consternation and discipline. Look for possibly instructive dreams which again you may or may not remember. A colleague always described this aspect as creating the sense that "God's knee is on your chest." That's fairly apt. It's relatively exacting People may bitch about their families, their onerous responsibilities,or the government or all of the above. For reference consider looking in the mirror.

Fortunately, Venus and Mercury will conjoin at 1:23 pm EST on Tuesday. That is a healing between one's heart and mind and should provide some perspective when epiphanies and realizations may just abound. Consider envisioning light bulbs over all the dim bulb's heads. It's a great aspect for making peace especially around some of the residual confusions lingering from Sunday night and the fallout from the just past Mercury retrograde period.

The Moon will then trine Mars at 4:43 pm EST on Tuesday and could potentially inspire some redemptive action and a host of opportunities, and a modicum of horniness. It may cause a cacophony of horn blowing on the highways in response to agressive drivers which they will unquestionably ignore.

Have fun and remember, try not to be too moody or broody under the Cancerian Moon. Consider howling at the Moon. She can handle it.

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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-27-04 12:46 AM
Response to Original message
6. Mountain Astrologer on this Full Moon:
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