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The Power of Nightmares

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Dover Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-29-04 01:35 AM
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The Power of Nightmares
Edited on Wed Dec-29-04 01:59 AM by Dover
This thread was posted in the GD forum but thought others here might be interested. This well researched film blows the cover off the scam:

The Power of Nightmares / BBC exposes the American NeoCons

((The BBC video at is a MUST WATCH!))

The Power of Nightmares: The Shadows In The Cave

BBC | November 12 2004

The Power of Nightmares assesses whether the threat from a hidden and organised terrorist network is an illusion. In the concluding part of the series, the programme explains how the illusion was created and who benefits from it.

Hyping Terror For Fun, Profit - And Power
by Thom Hartmann

What if there really was no need for much - or even most - of the Cold War? What if, in fact, the Cold War had been kept alive for two decades based on phony WMD threats? What if, similarly, the War On Terror was largely a scam, and the administration was hyping it to seem larger-than-life? What if our "enemy" represented a real but relatively small threat posed by rogue and criminal groups well outside the mainstream of Islam? What if that hype was done largely to enhance the power, electability, and stature of George W. Bush and Tony Blair?

And what if the world was to discover the most shocking dimensions of these twin deceits - that the same men promulgated them in the 1970s and today?

It happened.

The myth-shattering event took place in England the first three weeks of October, when the BBC aired a three-hour documentary written and produced by Adam Curtis, titled "The Power of Nightmares." If the emails and phone calls many of us in the US received from friends in the UK - and debate in the pages of publications like The Guardian are any indicator, this was a seismic event, one that may have even provoked a hasty meeting between Blair and Bush a few weeks later.

(snip / a very reluctant snip)

Whatever your plans are for tonight or tomorrow, clip three hours out of them and take the Red Pill. Get a pair of headphones (the audio is faint), plug them into your computer, and visit an unofficial archive of the Curtis\' BBC documentary at the Information Clearing House website. (The third hour of the program, in a more viewable format, is also available here.)

For those who prefer to read things online, an unofficial but complete transcript is on this Belgian site.

But be forewarned: You'll never see political reality - and certainly never hear the words of the Bush or Blair administrations - the same again.

Thom Hartmann (thom at is a Project Censored Award-winning best-selling author and host of a nationally syndicated daily progressive talk show. His most recent books are "The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight", "Unequal Protection: The Rise of Corporate Dominance and the Theft of Human Rights", "We The People: A Call To Take Back America", "The Edison Gene", and "What Would Jefferson Do?: A Return To Democracy".


BBC NEWS: The Power of Nightmares: Baby It's Cold Outside

Should we be worried about the threat from organised terrorism or is it simply a phantom menace being used to stop society from falling apart?


In the past our politicians offered us dreams of a better world. Now they promise to protect us from nightmares.

The most frightening of these is the threat of an international terror network. But just as the dreams were not true, neither are these nightmares.

In a new series, the Power of Nightmares explores how the idea that we are threatened by a hidden and organised terrorist network is an illusion.

At the heart of the story are two groups: the American neo-conservatives and the radical Islamists.


They would create a hidden network of evil run by the Soviet Union that only they could see.


Part I: Baby It\'s Cold Outside
Part II: The Phantom Victory
Part III: The Shadows in the Cave
Your comments: Page 1
Your comments: Page 2

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LWolf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-29-04 09:23 AM
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1. I'm glad you shared it.
I wouldn't have caught it otherwise. If it rains all day again today, I'll have plenty of time to read and watch everything!
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NJCher Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-29-04 06:20 PM
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2. wow
This is getting rave reviews. Looks like a "must-see."

Thanks for posting, Dover. I would have missed it.


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