This is by Eric Francis, as he analyzes the chart of the tsunami. He sees Chiron as a big player, as well as the full Moon.<snip>
"The 1st house and its contents represent the event. And we have Chiron rising. The most basic keywords I can come up with for Chiron are 'raising awareness'. Chiron represents changes, but those changes are often designed, or have the effect of, raising awareness. Chiron can be the injury that makes us take care; it can be the wound that leads us to recognize our strength, and gather our power; it can be a debility that leads us to focus our energy and intention, and grow in consciousness and ability.
Chiron in Capricorn, which began in late 2001 shortly after the Sept. 11 attacks, has been a long, long story of raising our awareness about industry and government and their effects on the planet, on society and on our individual lives. Capricorn is the sign of the halls of power; of the people who run the world, including industry, government and authority of any kind. We have seen scandal after scandal involving those whose responsibility is to care for the planet and its people. Chiron has served as a kind of provocateur. It has shined a light into the confidential or concealed places of the government, of the church, and of the accounting departments of massive corporations that are represented by Capricorn, in the collective sense (not usually the individual birth chart). We have seen much about the conduct of the military through the prisoner abuse crisis in Iraq and Guantanamo and learned of cover-ups of the Sept. 11 attacks. Following the newspapers during Chiron in Capricorn has seemed like one long scandal." <snip>
"The Moon is in a noteworthy position, at 28 degrees of Gemini and 11 minutes -- which frightened me a little at first. It is in the position that it was in the Sept. 11, 2001 chart, to the degree, and within eight minutes of arc -- less than one sixth of a degree. This is not just bizarre; it is ominous. In the two most severe, sudden events of recent years, consecutively, the Moon has been at 28 degrees and a few arc minutes of Gemini. The Moon occupies any one degree of the zodiac for about two hours per month. If you divide that degree by six, the Moon, which moves quickly, occupies that portion of the zodiac for 20 clock minutes per month. And it was in that exact spot at the exact moment of these two consecutive devastating and world-changing events; these two 'before and after' moments where one world became another; where we went from one chapter of life to another.
In the Sept. 11 chart, the Moon represented the 'official government', which was asleep at the wheel. It also represented the, 'whoops, now anything goes' function of Sept. 11. And that same Moon now makes this stunning appearance in Sunday's chart of a 'natural' disaster. But the contrast is instructive: we go from the pinnacle of Western economic power and materialistic extravagance to the depths of Eastern socioeconomic poverty and stunning natural beauty."