Edited on Wed Jan-05-05 09:10 PM by loudsue
I ran this chart on my own software, and I have no idea how to post it here. But if some astrologer sees this thread and knows how to do a chart on-line and post it, the time the session starts is
Jan 6, 2005 1:00 PM Washington DC
Please note that the Moon goes Void of Course 29 minutes after the session starts. My guess is that the certification of the electoral votes won't start BEFORE then, as it will take time to get the rolls called, and say the prayer, and announce the agenda.
However, the chart for the overall meeting starts when the Moon will still eventually be hitting the degrees of Mercury, Venus (both in the 8th house, with Pluto), and Chiron (in the 9th house, conjunct the MH). The Moon also hits the degree of the MH/IC, and the 6th and 12th house cusps.
The chart has Taurus rising, Sun in the 9th Moon in the 7th (with Mars, not conjunct) Neptune in the 10th Uranus in the 11th Saturn in the 3rd (retrograde, & conjunct the IC) Jupiter in the 6th North Node in the 12th Pluto, Venus and Mercury in the 8th.
There is a grand trine from the Moon to the Node to Saturn (7th Moon, 12th Node, 3rd/4th Saturn).
The Moon is in Scorpio in the 7th, and a Scorpio Moon is NOT a Moon you want to toy with. And it is in the 7th house of partnerships, and open enemies. Mars is also in the 7th house in Sagittarius. The only aspect Mars makes is a Septile to Jupiter in the 6th...the daily business. There is also a Septile from the Moon to the Sun, from Neptune to Pluto, and from the Node to Uranus.
The 12th house North Node is in trine to the 3-planet stellium in the 8th house, consisting of Pluto, Mercury & Venus.
^^^ This (above) aspect tells me that there is going to be some serious, in-depth investigation (8th house, with Pluto there) into the election fraud. The Moon tells me that "We, The People", are an "open enemy" of the election fraud, and with a Scorpio Moon, we're ready and screaming for an investigation (Pluto rules Scorpio, and Pluto is in the 8th house of investigations). The North Node in the 12th alerts people to potential danger. The fact that the Node, Moon and Pluto are in a grand trine, tells me that this investigation has legs.
The Moon rules Cancer, and Cancer is the sign on the 4th house cusp, the "Homeland", and "the End of the Matter". And Saturn is in the 3rd house (Public Opinion), conjuncting the 4th house cusp. Saturn in the 3rd - public opinion) rules the Capricorn Sun in the 9th. So I have a feeling that public opinion is going to be taken very seriously here, in spite of the republicans trying to "kill" the issue (Taurus = ascendant, ruled by Venus in the 8th, past a conjunction to Mercury & Pluto).
The Sun in the 9th house tells me that the Courts, and legal issues, are going to be the "Light" of the whole session, and the Sun rules the 5th house, the house of "drama", public happiness or sorrow, and the morality of the state.
Chiron sitting on top of the chart conjunct the Midheaven from the 9th, tells me that the whole fiasco will be a wounding of sorts, and, though the Moon goes Void shortly after the session begins, I don't believe it's going to "go away", as many republicans wish it would. With Cheney and the neocons in charge of the meeting, and Cheney being part of whose election is in question here, I feel like Chiron represents him pretty well.
DISCLAIMER: I'm still really really new at doing mundane astrology, and I can't tell you what, exactly, the chart says over all, as to the outcome. I will say that there WILL likely be at least one Senator who stands up, but I will also guess that the neocons in charge are going to try to make short business of the whole contesting of the electoral votes. Saturn is retrograde, and Saturn rules the Sun in this chart, and the Midheaven, and sits on the IC. So...I don't think this meeting will be the end of the contested election, by a long shot. Saturn goes direct on March 21st, so I think it will bring all these issues back up when it returns direct, and comes back to visit it's natal place, and then proceeds into the 4th house... the end of the matter, toward the end of June.
The fact that Saturn is inconjunct all of the "investigating" planets in the 8th house, tells me that the republicans are going to make the investigations as slow and difficult as they possibly can....lots of delays and obstacles (what else is new, huh?). But Saturn will ultimately be trined by the Moon, so the PEOPLE still play a BIG part in all of this.
In other words, we're going to have to fight to the death from now on, but I think in the long run, we'll prevail in showing that this election was a fraud. And with Saturn in the 3rd, the media is also going to continue to freeze out the information.... at least, I think that would be safe to say, looking at the chart.
:hi: Now....can some REAL mundane astrologers help out here???