Every so often I go to the four winds site for some spiritual contrast to the political stuff I read here. It has a lot of whacky stuff on it including much discussion about NESARA. I've always sensed that there is a grain of truth regarding NESARA but it lies deep beneath a considerable amount of BS. I feel to a lesser degree, similarly about the Illuminati theories.
Yet I presume we all can agree that the powers that be ain't at ALL about LOVE. Ughhh.
When I do Tarot readings, whenever people pull the Devil card and they tend to get spooked, I always joke by saying, "I have a deal with the Devil. I don't believe in him and he doesn't believe in me." I further that, "If one ascribes to traditional dualistic Judeo/Christian theologies, if God is the source of all things wonderful, loving, affirming, and creative, then what would his antithesis be. . .? Aside from consideration of a Goddess which is another really confused polarity, the Devil would mostly likely represent fear, repression, self loathing and self doubt."
Two other funny interpretations of the Devil card are from two friends. One says, "One must always remember that the chains as portrayed in the (Rider/Waite) Devil card are entirely optional." Another funny friend, who has Mars in Scorpio and the Sun opposed Pluto always used to respond to pulling that card by saying, "Yayyyyy, I'm gonna get laid!!!"
The deck I use has a Pan-like portrayal of the Devil card that's sort of playful. That's a whole other discussion but I digress.
Anyhoo, this morning just on a whim, I went to the Four Winds site where I hadn't been for a while and amidst all the whacky "Hello Central !!!" e-mail correspondences were these three articles which I read in this order.
Illuminati defector. . .?
http://www.fourwinds10.com/NewsServer/ArticleFunctions/ArticleDetails.php?ArticleID=10762Texas Longhorn fans unite . . .?
http://www.fourwinds10.com/NewsServer/ArticleFunctions/ArticleDetails.php?ArticleID=949McGovern interview
http://www.fourwinds10.com/NewsServer/ArticleFunctions/ArticleDetails.php?ArticleID=10768It created quite a startling perspective. Not to be especially conspiratorial or paranoid, I thought it might be interesting to start a thread for discussion on these matters from a spiritual perspective.
Most interesting to me was that the Illuminati defector suggested that the only way the dire eventualities she predicted could be tempered or prevented would be through massive prayer.
I've long thought that the only way to combat this wave of rampantly intractable and divisive fundamentalism would be through the establishment of a true spiritually humane movement based on reverence and tolerance. As many others have perceived, it is most unlikely that our solutions will be exclusively political ones.
Will it take till Neptune's ingress into Pisces in 2012 for us to arrive at such a lasting peace and true spirituality ?
Reading these articles made me want to get my 19 tricks out there perhaps in a shorter, less blathering, and more concise form. Yikes.
I know some of you have seen this before but I truly feel at the depth of my soul that the 2nd trick if performed by a massive number of true souls, could make an enormous difference and expedite the whole process of amelioration. Silly me.
It's about gentle transmutations and is the highest color of the spectrum. Red plus blue equals purple. Ya know?
"2. Visualize the planet bathed in a regal violet-purple light at least
momentarily once daily. It is really easy to project violet-purple light when earth icon appears on screen. Consider scrolling down at the link
here. . . .
http://www.lovearth.net/(Violet-"Purple rain, purple""reign". . .: )
It can be that simple and easy for those unaccustomed to routine
visualization. For reasons I'll explain in far greater specificity in
a subsequent version, violet-purple rays of transmutational light will
gently wake up several sleeping souls and solve problems ages old, in many places and will ameliorate even circumstances most dire. Focusing on regions most conflicted (Washington DC, the MidEast, Iraq, and the entire continent of Africa) will help as well.
(For those of more earthly orientations who unlike many spiritualists,
don't necessarily resonate with the violet-purple vibration, another
alternative suggested by a differing source would be to project a vibrant green. That color will most likely hasten the healing of our woefully damaged ecosystems and many hearts as well. )"
I hope that we can have a lively discussion about these matters inclusive of NESARA, the Illuminati, the myth of Satan and what simplistic Christianity does to dualistically empower it's own shadow, and the oh so dim prospect of future wars as suggested by Mr.McGovern (what an ironic name).
Hope you folks will chime in.