New Moon Report, September 22, 2006
by Jeff Jawer
New Moon in Virgo
Friday, September 22, 4:45 am PDT, 7:45 am EDT
The second New Moon in Virgo in less than a month is also an annular eclipse of the Sun in the last degree of this sign. Intense Pluto's hard right-angle square to the Sun-Moon conjunction marks this as a time of major transformation. Power struggles with others are possible and internal urges to purge are likely. While it is constructive to eliminate outmoded patterns of behavior, allow some time for rest and recuperation rather than forcing a new system into place right away. This eclipse is conjunct the Moon's South Node in Virgo, reminding us that focusing on details leads to losing sight of the big picture. The North Node in compassionate Pisces points towards inspiration and idealism as the way forward. This eclipse is visible in much of South America where its effects may be most evident during the next six months. New Moons are times of beginning, but with Pluto's presence and the eclipse influence, this one's more about letting go.
Sun in Libra
Friday, September 22, 9:04 pm PDT
Saturday, September 23, 12:04 am EDT
The Sun changes signs and the seasons turn just hours after the New Moon eclipse in Virgo. Libra is a sign of balance, a time to readjust relationships, update styles, and initiate social contact. The spirit of fairness can redress injustices and the need for equality rises. This autumnal equinox (vernal in Vanatu) gives us a moment to pause and consider where we stand with others and shows us ways to alter partnerships in a peaceful, gracious manner.
Jupiter square Neptune
Sunday, September 24
The third and last of three squares (the first two were January 27 and March 15) between expansive planets Jupiter and Neptune is either a giant wave of illusion or a time for spiritual illumination. Jupiter in Scorpio brings truth from the complexities of relationships and the ashes of loss. Neptune in Aquarius idealizes new forms of human community. If our beliefs are rooted in fear, then fatalistic fantasies may flourish. But if they represent the wisdom to transform feelings into faith, we will find new vision and hope.
Venus conjunct Moon's South Node
Tuesday, September 26
This annual event is made more important this year because of the recent solar eclipse on the South Node. Loving Venus seeks perfect form in Virgo, but repeated chastisement for being too fat or thin, lazy, sloppy, etc. is a distraction from the real purpose of relationships now. Finding flaws in ourselves and others is all too easy. Forgiving one and all, however, is a powerful step to creating connections rooted in a more inclusive vision of love.
Venus in Libra
Saturday, September 30, 3:02 am PDT, 6:02 am EDT
Venus returns to her airy home sign where she can catch her breath and take a fresh look at relationships. Whatever's gone wrong recently can be forgiven as we begin living in the present. Engaging in clear, but kind communication can raise consciousness and shore up connections with others. Finding beauty and value in yourself and those around you sets the stage for more harmonious and rewarding partnerships.
Mercury in Scorpio
Sunday, October 1 , 9:38 pm PDT
Monday, October 2, 12:38 am EDT
Mental Mercury dives into Scorpio's deep waters where it will stay for almost two months due to next month's retrograde in this sign. The mind's eye can focus on underlying issues and work like a psychological detective picking up previously unseen emotional clues. Intense discussions peel away outer layers to get to the underlying substance of things. Be alert, though, to narrowly negative interpretations that, although accurate, may not be constructive.
Full Moon in Aries
Friday, October 6, 8:13 pm PDT, 11:13 pm EDT
An independent Aries Moon opposes the Sun, Mars and Venus in relationship-oriented Libra raising questions about the contrast between compromise and self-interest. Focusing on individual needs, however, can fuel partnerships, creating new levels of excitement that rekindle desire. Conflict needn't be rejected out of hand because when it stays within the bounds of fair play both parties can benefit. Bringing feelings out into the open is not something to plan with the emotional Moon in spontaneous Aries, but when it happens don't bury them.
Chiron Direct
Thursday, October 12, 12:06 pm PDT, 3:06 pm PDT
The Wounded Healer's shift into forward gear in Aquarius makes it easier to solve problems within groups. Opening Chiron's energy to more overt discussion, though, shouldn't bog down into an ongoing bitch fest. It's fine to complain, whine and moan, as long as it's the first step in a process of reconciliation, rather than a final affirmation of how badly things are going.
This New Moon is a time to finish, rather than begin. Its square from terminating Pluto tells us that endings come first now. The solar eclipse conjoined the South Node is another message from the present telling us to let go of the past. Give up material perfection and stray from areas where you have high levels of competence to explore more inspiring territory. This will feed your soul no matter how foolish you may feel. We need encouragement, not criticism, to trust that our wanderings are not a signal of being lost, but a sign that we're finding our way home.
Have a great month!
Jeff Jawer, Publisher,
...because timing is everything!