(Apologies for the length; I have a lot to say here.)
The topics of integrity and manifestation, and their intersection, have been much on my mind recently. The conclusions that I’m drawing as a result of my ruminations have changed me a bit; I’m seeing life through a slightly different lens, particularly in regard to politics and what I read here at DU. I’m posting this to our forum because it’s the only one in which I believe it can be reasonably discussed.
(I’m also posting it separately from the other manifestation posts so as not to be thread highjacking.)
I have come to understand that we humans are very powerful manifesting beings; that we manifest constantly, with awareness or not, every moment of our lives. I have read with interest the many threads here that are, whether intentional or not, about manifestation. We have a span of threads from NJCher’s wonderful Daily Psychic threads in which she manifests muffins, relationships and more, to the threads about intentionally manifesting what we want or need. The evidence is there proving we are powerful manifesters.
My own spiritual work the past 4 years has, of course, been based on the eternal question: why are we here? Why would Spirit bring us into this life anyway? I believe I have been given an answer: humans are the manifesters. We are the beings in this world with the ability to grow new creations from the ground of being and shape them into being. We are heads and hands, if you will, of Spirit’s creative drive. As such, we walking around as powerful manifestation machines—whether we are aware of it or not. And we have manifested some awesome and wonderful things, as well as some hideous and malicious ones. I believe that the factor that determines the eventual nature of these manifestations is integrity.
In our manifestation threads we talk a lot about the “right” way to do it; that’s a factor in making sure that our process has integrity. We are careful to put energy only into the things that we recognize as good for ourselves, those around us and the universe. We are careful to consider the outcome. If my understanding is correct, however, that we always are manifesting, whether we are intentionally in the process or not, another concern arises: are we ALWAYS manifesting with integrity? I think we are not—particularly in our political thinking.
This is where my concern about politics and DU comes into discussion. I believe, at this juncture, that we now suffer under the government we have manifested. We created the reality under which the world suffers by acting without integrity in the political sphere. We have made our political choices not with the intention of creating the ideal, but by doing what is expedient or easy, not what is right. We have selected people that we knew lacked integrity to represent us, and now we have a government with no integrity. A government that believes killing and torture are acceptable, that is emptying this world of order and meaning on a rapid and frightening scale.
I read every day here that we have to vote for the lesser of the evils, that we all pull together regardless of what we individually believe is right, that we have to get “our” people in there no matter what. That we want to “WIN.” The truth is that every time we vote we give our energy to the realities that person holds; our energies are held by that politician, and become the reality that person molds. If we give our energies to people with bad intentions, we OWN the outcome—no excuses. We have given our energies to men and women with no integrity, we have created, individually and collectively, a government with no integrity. We ARE the enemy.
Beginning this year, I will not compromise. I will only give my energy to people with integrity. I will not give my energy to warmongers, to bigots, to those who want to deny others the freedom to live their higher purposes. Here’s the equation:
I act with integrity-→I vote only for people who act with integrity-→ we have a government that acts with integrity→this world supports us all in our life’s work.
Questions about integrity and discussion forums obviously arise out of this. Those, I still ponder: what is being manifested here?