Edited on Sat Jan-08-05 02:13 PM by DemExpat
I am just bursting to share this with you guys, for today I met my very first Ascension/Light Worker in PERSON!!!!!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
I came in contact with fellow "Mystics" and like-minded friends here on DU in the Meeting Room and now in this Group (and a few others), and a few months ago in the discussions on Michael Sharp's "The Book of Life" I was introduced to this Ascension stuff...which felt incredibly familiar to me while also being very mind-blowing.
I have no one in my daily, "real" life to talk about this stuff with, and had never even seen someone who is into this material in the flesh....:D:D:D
But today, a day like any other day, I took my dog to the park and met a couple there with their dog...nothing unusual...started chatting as dog-lovers usually do. She is an American woman married to a German living there - and they had come to The Hague today - all the way from Germany - to go to the beach during the storm we are having now....there was too much sand blowing there so they ended up in this park where I often walk and play with my dog free of her leash.
One thing in our communication lead to another, first through mention of the political situation in the US to our dogs and our loving bonds (and ESP) with them....until I asked her if she was into the Ascension and she replied "Yes!"
I won't bore you with the entire conversation, but I tell you, it felt like I had met up with a dear friend who I had known for life, and everything about her felt comfy, loving, familiar, and in place to me. Many things we mentioned were very much the same - unimportant synchonicities and more blatant ones (like our Dad's both dying of brain tumors), and at the end of our walk and talk, she handed me her BUSINESS CARD with her name and Email on it:
Her business card, get this, with "Lightworker" on it like the "job" title...and her Email and site had Lemurian Dream on it.....:7
I was flabbergasted, as I had never even heard of Lemurian and Lightworkers until coming in contact with Michael Sharp's books and discussion here!
When we were talking a bit about the Ascension and I told her I had trouble imagining exactly what it IS, she just said nobody really totally does....and when I mentioned my wariness of talk of alien spaceships coming to earth within the next few years, she matter-of-factly stated that her job "is" to pave the way for the E.T.s!!!!!!! :silly: :silly: :silly:
This whole meeting was so perfect and fun and funny and really bizarre to me.
When we were parting, reluctantly, she asked me my name and I said "Barbara".....well, her name is "Barbara" as well. Uncanny, but actually not surprising either.... :nuke:
Anyway, I hugged her and her husband as we parted, telling her I felt I had found a dear, dear friend, and we laughed and promised to get in touch on the Net.
This just boggles my mind and thrills my heart so much I can't really express it properly.
My husband agrees that this encounter is pretty incredible.
I had never heard of this stuff before a couple of months ago, and now I find a person who really clicks with me and we talked as if this shared knowledge was "ancient" and matter of fact! (because we have lived with it on some level all of our lives, I believe!)
I wish I could DO something with this - so I am sharing this with you here...
When Michael said there were many people already spread over our world working on the Ascension I told him I had never met them, that it looked to me like more negatives were taking place - not much positive....no one I knew was into this stuff....then I saw how many here on DU are moving towards that direction, and now I have met one in the flesh! And she and her hubby were just SO normal and nice....:D:D:D:D:D
Any reactions, similar encounters?