I had to look up the cover you were talking about! Here it is:
http://www.nationalgeographic.com/ngkids/0610/2.htmlThat is so cute how he thought Bitsey was on the cover! The pic does indeed look like her!
Here's the pic:
and here's my Bits:
That is a very interesting write-up about the ghost cats of D.C.
Yes, tell your son I have many more pictures and one of these days I will be putting them up on the thread. One funny one is where I was teaching a class one night and I was snapping pictures of my students while they were working. I was taking pictures because we are studying nonverbal language (body language) and I wanted to give the students some feedback on what their body language said.
Anyway, later that night I uploaded the pics to my computer and looked at them. There were two students sitting in front of the window. And who was sitting there between them? Yep, the Bitsey-Boo!
You haven't seen much of me because I'm so engrossed in these photos. There is so much to them. There are other figures in the pictures, I'm finding. Sometimes I look and look and look at them. There is an art to looking at them, too, I think. If I look at them on a regular basis, it is easier to see the different figures but if I skip a day or two, it takes time to get back up to speed.
Also, I've been locating apparition pictures from all over--mainly metaphysical and ghost-hunter groups--and looking at them. I'm finding my pics are very similar to those of others who have captured apparitions.
I almost feel like I could write a book about this! It's so fascinating I could devote way more time to it if I had it (the time, that is).
I want to try some photographs at the mansion. My neighbor and friend know there are two ghosts hanging out there and we want to see if they'll come through. I've seen one of the ghosts. I wonder if he'll come through.
Anyway, I was thrilled to read your post about your home (post below)! I'm so excited for you! Please keep us updated on all that goes on!!