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A Course in Consciousness

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Dover Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-12-05 05:22 PM
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A Course in Consciousness
Edited on Wed Jan-12-05 05:31 PM by Dover
A Course in Consciousness

Part 1: Quantum theory and consciousness
Part 2: The metaphysics of nonduality
Part 3: The end of suffering and the discovery of our true nature

Stanley Sobottka
Emeritus Professor of Physics
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA 22904-4714

Dialogue in Consciousness

1. What is the difference between a concept and Reality?
a. A concept is a result of conceptualization, which is the process of separating and naming.
b. Conceptualization is a process learned in early childhood. The infant does not conceptualize because its intellect is undeveloped. In contrast, the sage has a well-developed intellect and conceptualizes but sees that separation is an illusion.
c. Without conceptualization, there are no objects (e.g., in dreamless sleep, under anesthesia, or in samadhi) because, by definition, objects are always separate from each other.
d. Reality is not a concept. Rather, It is absence of separation. Therefore, It is also absence of concepts and objects.
e. Conceptualization appears to fragment Reality (which is also Wholeness) into separate objects so that Reality no longer seems to be whole. However, Reality remains unchanged by it.

2. What is meant by true and untrue concepts?
a. A belief is a concept to which the mind is strongly attached.
b. A belief that cannot be verified by direct seeing is always subject to attack by a counter-belief. Therefore, it must be constantly reinforced by repetition of the belief. Blind, unexamined, purposeful trust in a belief is called faith.
c. Since Reality is absence of separation, It cannot be perceived. Therefore, concepts cannot describe Reality (but they can be true, see g and h below).
d. Example: A material object by definition is separate from other material objects. Therefore, material objects are not real. The belief that material objects are real is constantly reinforced by materialistic culture, and is sustained only by a failure to see the distinction between objects and Reality.
e. Although concepts cannot describe Reality, they can point to Reality.
f. A pointer is an invitation to see directly the distinction between an object and Reality.
g. If a concept asserts or implies the reality of any object, it is untrue. If it negates the reality of an object, it is true (but not a description of Reality). A true concept can be a useful pointer to Reality.
h. Example: The concept that material objects are not real is true, and is a pointer to Reality.

3. What is the world (the universe)?
a. The world (the universe) is the collection of objects consisting of the body-mind and all other objects. The world appears to exist in time and space.
b. However, time and space are nothing but concepts. They are not real.
c. Time is the concept of change. Since all objects change, all objects are temporal concepts.
d. Space is the concept of extension (size and shape). Since all objects are extended in space, all objects are spatial concepts.

4. What are polar, or dual, pairs of concepts?
a. Conceptualization always results in inseparable pairs of concepts (polar, or dual, pairs) because every concept has an opposite.
b . Reality is apparently split into polar (dual) pairs by conceptualization. However, no concept is real since Reality cannot be split.
c. The result of apparently splitting Reality into polar pairs of concepts is called duality.
d. The two concepts of a pair are always inseparable because the merger of the opposites will cancel the pair.
e. Example: "I"/not-"I" is a polar pair of concepts. If the "I" and not-"I" merge, no concept remains.

5. What is Awareness?
a. Awareness is what is aware of the world.
b. Awareness is self-evident because you are aware and you know that you are aware. It does not change and It has no extension. Therefore, Awareness is not a concept or object.
c. The terms “Awareness” and “Reality” are equivalent conceptual pointers.
d. All objects appear in Awareness and are Its contents.

6. What are You?
a. You are not a concept or object. Clear seeing shows that You are not the body-mind because You are what is aware of the body-mind.
b. Therefore, You are Awareness.
c. The world and the body-mind appear in You--You do not appear in the world.

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NMDemDist2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-12-05 11:27 PM
Response to Original message
1. ahhh Dover, I know better than to click your threads 2 minutes before

I'll have to revisit this one later
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KittyWampus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-26-05 08:25 AM
Response to Reply #1
3. LOL! This is a great read, if you stick through the logical progressions
if you're ever in the mood for some interesting reading, go through this forum's archives and search for Dover's threads :)
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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-14-05 02:22 AM
Response to Original message
2. Yes,
"You are not a concept or object. Clear seeing shows that You are not the body-mind because You are what is aware of the body-mind."

The mind is outside and above the brain and is what connects us to
"higher mind" - universal mind - the all.
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