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Uranus at 19 of Sag
12/24/85 to 1/09/86
then it went retrograde (oops didn't write down the date it did)
and went back over the 19 degrees between 6/21/86 to 7/19/86
Uranus went direct on 8/27/86 at 18 of Sag.
It passed over the 19 degrees again from 10/6/86 to 10/30/86.
I have to mention Saturn since it too was in Sag and altho Uranus was past the 19 degrees, Saturn still affected it since it was in orb of the conjunction.
Saturn 19 of Sag
2/8/87 to 2/22/87
Went retrograde on 3/30/87 at 21 of Sag
Went back over the 19 degrees betwwen 5/9/87 and 5/25/87
Went direct on 8/19/87
passed back over the 19th degree between 12/5/87 to 12/15/87.
Jupiter at 22 of Gemini
Jupiter cycles at just under 12 years. So look for it to return every 12 years or so.
In 1977 it hit 22 from 7/11/77 to 7/15/77
In 1989 it hit 22 from 6/24/89 to 6/28/89
in 2001 it hit 22 from 6/01/01 to 6/28/01
From the site (cause I can't find the 1900's ephemeride right now) I checked and didn't see where Jupiter went direct, retrograde, then direct over 22 degrees in any of those years. Just a once over so not as intense as the 3 time hits.
You're gonna feel the Saturn and Uranus transits more than Jupiter, altho Jupiter many times will bring educational and travel opportunities regardless of what house it's in or what house it rules.
edited to add a /