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Western Esoterica

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Dover Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-15-05 12:51 AM
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Western Esoterica
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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-15-05 12:51 PM
Response to Original message
1. Wow. Like the Aussie crocodile guy says : "Dainger, dainger, dainger"
Edited on Sat Jan-15-05 01:01 PM by Pallas180
It's a good thing there was no internet when Hitler walked the earth.

a couple of comments here Dover.

This is my objection to these things being available in book stores and over the net (although there is one safety net which I'll mention later).

The average person does not realize the power of the WORD.

So they're standing in a bookstore or reading on the net the words:
"I conjure such and such and such and such" - not realizing that by just reading the words THEY ARE CONJURING.

When I come across those words - I stop reading and skip over it. Do
I want "things" hanging around me? NOOOOOO.

Of course, Moses and Aaron were magicians and powerful ones at that.
You only have to think back to turning the staff into a snake, or bringing down frogs and pestilence, and Moses' breastplate (armour) of
magical stones (gemstones)...

There is a book of Solomon's, Moses and Aaron's Kabaalistic magic, written in English but the magic "spells" are written in Hebrew - therefore only those who can read and pronounce Hebrew are able to call / conjure the "things". In addition to the calling, there is written in Hebrew the release to send the things "back".

This ties in with previous discussions on this board about being enlightened and being a person who would do no harm and who are in control of their emotions, thoughts and words.

One day I was in Mason's bookstore in NYC- and a book dropped on my foot. I picked it up and it was another book in a famous Torah series - (only it was a book I didn't know was not supposed to exist) I saw the title and the Hebrew and thought it would make a wonderful birthday gift for a Rabbi I knew, and so I gave it to him.


Although he had begun to hear spirit, which is why he came to me, he was not a spiritual person - which I realized when he cursed a person who died on his day off.

In any case, upon presentation of the gift, he informed me that no such book existed in the series, opened it and began to read (he could of course read and pronounce the Hebrew language) one of the

As he read, I saw coming down the hall, a thing, standing and walking with donkey ears and head and tail and hooves, and how would I describe, skin of leather like shingles....and red eyes. This was not your friendly angelic visitor.

Religious Jews don't just have a Mezzusah on the entrances to their houses, they have a Mezzusah on every interior door also. Fortunately this Rabbi did. The "Thing" could not pass from the hallway further into the living room because of the Mezzusah placed there...thank God.

I commanded it to go, repeatedly. It didn't move. Then I realized the Rabbi had called it in Hebrew and he had to say the release in
Hebrew for it to go.

He thought I was joking when I described what was happening - I found the release in the book, he didn't want to have it go - and I had to be impress upon him this was not a joke and insistent that he say the release in Hebrew. (he really didn't want to - ).

Finally he said it and the thing disappeared.

I took the book away from him and received a rather unpleasant rebuke from him that he hoped that I wouldn't get something I wanted. Now when a man who prays all the time, says a word, it has power....he just didn't know that or care for that matter. His curse to the man who died and negative wish for me, ended the friendship.

As the catholics have found out, just because you're a man of the cloth doesn't mean you are a good person or a spiritual person bent on doing no harm.

So that's my story. These words have power - and unfortunately are available to the world, and as we have seen in America, at least 50% of whom have NO SENSE whatever.

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Dover Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-15-05 01:38 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. I hear...understand the warnings. Do not go lightly through this door.
Edited on Sat Jan-15-05 01:39 PM by Dover
In this information age it does seem that knowledge of all kinds is in the hands of anyone and everyone. Is that a mistake or part of a greater plan? How did you learn about esoterica? Should you or I or anyone on a spiritual path be permitted to access it?

These are somewhat rhetorical questions.
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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-15-05 02:21 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. I must say Dover, it has been
as if I have suddenly become awakened to your depth of knowledge.

And I admire it and the way you administer it.

"Is that a mistake or part of a greater plan?"

I don't know.

Maybe the destiny.

It appears the battle between good and evil is upon us...and that maybe Armageddon has nothing to do with wars in the Middle East.
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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-16-05 07:59 PM
Response to Original message
4. appropos to the subject:
Edited on Sun Jan-16-05 08:00 PM by Pallas180

tee hee tee hee - I couldn't resist. :)

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Dover Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-20-05 02:25 AM
Response to Reply #4
5. That web site of Esoterica YOU posted is even more appropos...
Edited on Thu Jan-20-05 03:10 AM by Dover
It's really timely for me relative to my own development, and regarding many of the subjects and personal conversations going on in this forum as well. At least for me, it seems to be pulling together several threads.

Related to the question of disseminating "secrets" and esoteric literature....the author Phillip Lindsay said this:

Re-emergence of the Mysteries/Mystery Religions

All religions contain an esoteric essence which is the heart of the mysteries. The coming new world religion has at its base the externalisation of Hierarchy, re-emergence of the mystery schools and the reappearance of the Christ.
The mystery schools or religions will be the few drops that presage the coming monsoon of a new world religion. The Ageless Wisdom can provide a fundamental template upon which the New World Religion can be based.

This is a major point for us to consider, involved as we are in the creation of the new occult education. We have to take our occult principles and disseminate them in a way that helps create a new mental template on which to build. These ideas must permeate the many belief systems that abound in the world today.

There is an opportunity at this juncture of history to make mainstream the mysteries. Their externalisation is on a par with the externalisation of the hierarchy. As with all manifestation, the subtle pattern or template is always laid down first, followed by the outer, more exoteric expression. Hence the contribution disciples can make, working in the field of esotericism, is enormous.

Promotion of the science of comparative religion is one exoteric angle, following the golden thread that runs through all these systems of thought and faith.
We need a practical approach that builds subtle templates but also infiltrates the mainstream. An ‘Aquarian Conspiracy’ perhaps, through universities, media – film, radio, TV and the internet. To utilise the many teaching tools we have at our disposal – the technologies of Aquarius.

Currently the religion of media through TV and cinema is the Babylon of our age. Its tendency is to dominate the masses and keep them passive through visual and financial manipulation. For illumination to penetrate humanity needs to be smartly informed.

Blavatsky once said, ‘There is No Religion higher than Truth’. We cannot be too ‘precious’ about preserving the mysteries and there is a very fine line between protecting them from the profane and disseminating seeds that may germinate in some enquiring mind. There will always be an esoteric core of the mysteries relative to human unfoldment.

The emotiveness of religion is extraordinary, the cultural conditioning that we are all saddled with – us ‘beasts of burden’! Besides politics, it is our biggest button-pusher.
This is the shadow or dweller of humanity, a little part that we all carry around with us in our prejudices, vanities and separative behaviours. We know what is ‘right’ or politically correct but quite often it may be in conflict with how we really feel, much of which our culture or family have influenced us through.

The coming new world religion has at its base the externalisation of the Hierarchy and the reappearance of the mystery schools. As with all manifestation it is the subtle pattern or template that is always laid down first, followed by the outer more exoteric expression. Therefore the contribution which disciples of the world can make, working in the field of esotericism, is enormous.

Also, since you brought up Pluto... this author has an interesting perspective on the astrological sign it really rules at the level of the soul, which makes a lot of sense to me as regards Pisces rulership of the 12th house:

Pluto transits through Sagittarius at the moment, we are seeing the last gasp of fundamentalism for the Piscean Age, one heavily characterised by the 6th ray. Pluto is of course the soul ruler of Pisces and in her kali expression, destroys everything at the end of the cycle.

The one-pointedness of Sagittarius, combined with the fact that it is said to be currently the strongest expression of the sixth ray – even though that ray has been going out of incarnation for 400 years – tells the whole story of Pluto in Sagittarius. Currently Humanity is the blind-folded Sagittarian Archer.

As the Aquarian age waxes stronger, Humanity will gain a far more detached viewpoint through the clear mental light of Aquarius and the fifth and seventh ray forces which pour through it. At the moment we are still at 6’s and 7’s with ourselves.

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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-20-05 07:26 PM
Response to Reply #5
6. As he says:
" there is a very fine line between protecting them (the mysteries)

from the profane and disseminating seeds that may germinate in some

enquiring mind. "
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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-20-05 07:40 PM
Response to Original message
7. What he says makes sense - we are laying the groundwork
for the Aquarian age - a new religion? I don't know about that - but

the proliferation in the last 30 years of astrology, meditation,

tarot, psychic development books and classes, new age religions that

tell people life is a celebration not a sin, and the many of us who

are teaching the same, as he says planting the seeds for awareness and

further thought on these matters.

Perhaps that's what being on the path meant, purveyors of the

ancient mysteries, to teach disciples and keep it alive, who will

continue teaching when we are long gone.

That is how it has been done, for thousands of years (at least 50,000

which started with the Chaldeans, first by word of mouth, and now by

books and formal classes....and now by the internet.....

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