..decided to post this here. I found it to be a compelling piece in that it addresses the 'shadows' that seem to manifest inwardly and outwardly in our world. For those familiar with the "Sacred Path" cards, I find that the "Smoking Mirror" card addresses this pretty well also.
love, G_j
Demons in our Midst:
Facing the Tyrant Inside and Out
by Suzanne Duarte
http://www.awakenedwoman.com/duarte_demon.htmWhen I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible but in the end, they always fall - think of it, ALWAYS. -- Gandhi
It cannot be an accident, or mere "coincidence," that Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy was made into movies that became box office hits during the first Bush administration. We needed those images of leathery-winged monsters with huge teeth and claws, of the pathetic Gollum with the vicious shadow, of the goodness of fellowship and the evil of greed for absolute power over the world. Why did we need them? I think we needed those visual images to remind us of the nature of evil and the existence of demons because, in our secularlized, mechanistic world, we had forgotten about them. We thought we were safe.
It took me a long time to recognize that truly demonic energies are operating in our world right now. I was as unwilling to acknowledge the demonic as the next person. "Demonic" was not a word in my vocabulary, nor was "evil." I thought that people who used those words were projecting and ought to look at their own behavior. However, personal as well as global circumstances have compelled me to try to understand these energies and how to combat them.
We live in a world where deceit, duplicity, and mass delusion seem nearly all-pervasive. We cannot rely on the mainstream media to tell us what we most need to know, the truth; we cannot believe the politicians; we can't trust our electoral process; and half the country seems to be under a hypnotic spell induced by sub-rational mesmerism. Our lives are increasingly being corralled by a maniacal, irresponsible administration that uses lies and fear to rationalize its assaults on our rights and freedoms, our economy and environment, and those of other countries. While a great deal of the rest of humanity is concerned about environmental crises, Bush & Co. remain in stubborn denial of the multitudinous ecological problems that threaten human survival. They protect ecologically destructive corporations, while encouraging Americans to spend and consume.
How do we keep our sanity in the midst of the bewilderment, paranoia and anxiety that seem to be intentionally generated by Bush & Co.? How do we continue to work for the good of the whole when grief and despair over all that is being lost threaten to overwhelm us?