re: Americans anger at the US media:
" part of our national character: Uranus and Mars in Gemini are warriors in Mercury’s cause.
Astrologically, it looks like we’re in for a lengthy period of disinformation from our mainstream media, for Saturn will be lingering conjunct the US Mercury and opposite the US Pluto through 2005 and well into 2006. Saturn will arrive exactly conjunct the US Neptune (and square the US Mars) on August 27, 2009. What is this likely to bring?
The last time Saturn came conjunct the US Neptune was in 1979-80 when we had runaway inflation and the Iranian revolution which toppled the US-installed ruler and took American hostages from the US Embassy in Tehran. This effectively launched the Islamic rebellion against American petrodollar domination of the oil-rich Middle East.
Switching from Dollars to Euros
What is now brewing behind the scenes internationally is a move to switch from dollars to euros as the currency of choice for oil and other international trade. It was Iraq’s switch from dollars to euros in November 2000 that roused Bush to invade Iraq, although you’ll have to google this to verify it because the US media is mum on the subject, preferring to parrot “freedom and democracy” as Bush’s motives. Online you’ll find no small number of articles dealing with how and why the switch from petrodollars to euros is happening, and why it may prompt Bush to invade Iran around 2005.
Add this behind-the-scenes move to what’s likely to happen in Iraq if the people there exercise true democracy and elect anti-American Muslims and/or continue to make guerrilla war on American troops. On August 27, 2009 Saturn will come conjunct the US Neptune. Simultaneously, Uranus will be opposite Saturn and the US Neptune, putting both square the US Mars in Gemini. Also, transiting Mars will be conjunct the US wealth-generating Jupiter and Venus, with transiting Pluto slowly moving opposite from 0 degrees Capricorn.
We should pity whoever wins the presidential election of 2008, I think, for what the planets in 2009 suggest is that the USA will be dealing with financial troubles beyond inflation. By itself inflation is bad enough—-during the late 1970s-80s investors lost money to inflation even when stocks rose. With Bush poised to create private social security accounts by having people invest instead of pay into the social security fund, look out!
The Bush Administration is also likely to add to what is now a record government debt and budget deficit so that by 2009 when those chickens come home to roost, the screams of painful loss will be exceedingly loud. With the dollar expected to continue to fall in value against the euro, Americans are likely to be paying extremely inflated prices by 2009, if not sooner. And with Uranus and Saturn opposite and both hitting the financially-sensitive US Neptune square Mars, the whole US economy is likely to be floundering by then.
Among the many things astrology teaches are these: the only constant is change, and although the planets do not cause our woes, our actions create reactions. "