I believe that I am putting myself into a good position to learn all that I can about it. What was that quote about the wise man who thinks he knows everything, isn't really wise, and the wise man who claims to know nothing, is wise indeed? That's one I try to live by.
At any rate, I think we are both pretty much in agreement that Pluto's back and forth between Sagittarius and Capricorn, as well as beyond into Capricorn, is not going to be a particularly pleasant time for anyone, here in the US or elsewhere. Even not knowing anything about astrology, one can see the imminent problems in peak oil and the collapse of the US economy, government and infrastruture. I think a lot of Americans, just going by the average everyday folk that I've talked to, already "know" something is amiss, even if it is only on a subconscious level. And yet they haven't quite awakened to this reality. They probably won't, until it's staring them face to face and loudly demanding their undivided attention.
On the other hand, I tend to think, based upon my knowledge of history and empires, that the New World Order types aren't going to be anywhere near as successful as they are already betting the bank and planning private celebrations for being. At least, not for very long. All imperialists at some point stumble, either by overestimating their own "god-like powers" (success breeds pride and arrogance, which both go before a fall -- i.e. Hitler and the Nazis) or by underestimating the will and human spirit of their opponents to fight back (i.e. British vs. the American Revolutionaries). This is as true for the Greeks, Romans and British as it is now for the US and the powers that be here who are now attempting to bring about the NWO.
One thing we know which
always happens when Pluto moves into Capricorn: Existing prominent nations and empires often collapse or at least fall apart in some way, while others either begin or ascend into prominence. Last time Pluto was in Capricorn, in 1776, the globe-spanning British Empire took a major blow (i.e. death) in the revolt and loss of the American colonies, which obviously went on to become the nation we know today (i.e. birth). Before then, in 1517, the predominant Catholic Church took the blow in the form Martin Luther's Protestant Reformation, effectively ending the Catholic Church's absolute monopoly of Christiandom and making way for an entire host of new Christian sects, many of which are still flourishing today in the US and elsewhere. Though the Catholic Church still claims the most members of any Christian sect, it now must compete with Baptists, Mormons and Methodists for members, a permanent effect of Pluto. We can even trace the effects of the Pluto transit of Capricorn back to the imperial ascendancy and later, the fall of Rome.
Looking ahead to Pluto moving into Capricorn in 2008, here's what I see taking place during the Pluto transit of Capricorn (though this is more based upon my knowledge and perspectives of history, politics and current trends, than any transits in particular):
-The bankruptcy of the US resulting in the breakdown and breakup of the nation as we know it today, leading to the the emergence of individual states acting as republics (i.e. Texas, California) as well as regional republics, confederacies and alliances (i.e.
Cascadia(!!), the Neo Southern Confederacy, New England, Great Lakes). You'll probably remember the "US of Canada/Jesusland" map that spread across the web in the wake of the 2004 joke of an election, right? I think it was actually foreshadowing the Pluto in Capricorn transit, so some kind of realignment along these lines might not seem all that far-fetched in a few years. Though personally, I think North America will reshape itself into anywhere between about 7 and 15 sovereign countries.
I also agree with you about the gun-toting part, particularly if you live in Texas or the Southwestern US. Thanks to suburban sprawl in places like Phoenix and Las Vegas, these areas are going to be looking at severe to dire shortages of water. Let's call it "Water Wars" and say that the "Wild Wild West" is going to be coming back in a very real life, very nasty way. I think it may actually lead to some sort of internal, interstate war with National Guard troops between Colorado, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and Utah. This will be independent of the US government, which will probably be very weak, ineffectual or just plain non-existant. Also, beware the rise of the Neo-Nazis/KKK and Religious Fundamentalists in the South. That region, maybe even more than the Southwest could become a real powder keg.
-The strengthening and ascendancy of the EU, which moves away (permanently) from historically close relations with the US, establishes a union-wide military force, and finally pulls Britain into the fold. The EU as a whole becomes one of the new Global Powers.
-China. I probably don't even have to say anything more here. But remember what I said about rising nations? These guys are one of them...
the Big One for at least the next cycle. And they are coming into prominence in a way that I think will trump and checkmate the imperialist, social-darwinian arrogance of the Bilderbergers and the Trilaterals. They haven't managed to outlive every other nation by pure accident, and I think they will bring quite a formidable repitore of strategy, skills, knowledge and perspective to the world stage. China is definitely a global power, if not THE global power until the at least the next transit of Pluto through Capricorn. But that, of course, is assuming that we get through
the crisis of the 2040s somewhat intact, though the answer for this will probably either come from China, or...
-India. The other new rising global power, and one that could turn out to either be a major ally or rival for China. Which one depends upon the how they manage to mitigate and/or resolve the imminent energy/resource crisis. They, too, are a possible to likely source for solutions to world crisises to which the US now seems oblivious.
-Other rising stars include, but may not be limited to Brazil and the South American Union, as well as Iran and the possible formation of an Islamic-Mideast trade union, based upon the Islamic Dinar unit of currency.
Big Losers in all of this? The US and Russia, this last cycle's "Big Winners" who rose to be the dominant players in the last century. They are both now on their way down, down, down...
So, basically, what I think we're looking at is the re-emergence of a multi-polar world, and not one dominated by any one nation in particular. But if there is to be a New World Order, of any sort, it is going to have to include China and India, because they are going to hold the vast majority of the global economic power, reach and influence. They will bring their own ideas to the table, which probably won't at all be what the current NWO frontrunners have in mind.
Here's the wildcard in all of this: Peak Oil. We know it exists -- at least you and I, as well as many of the other astrologers and participants in these discussions.
You hear the knocking on our front door, as do I. I think its' here now, and probably even sooner than what many anticipated, thanks (or no thanks?) due to the ascendancy of China and India. Gas will be $2.75 to $3.25 per gallon by Memorial Day, if not sooner. I have heard some say that it could run as high as $5.00 a gallon in 2 years, though I would probably cut that in half.
This is where things have really begun to escape the control of the BFEE/NWO people. Like the fools that they are, they really expected Iraq to go well,
which it is not, despite all of their efforts to spin it otherwise. As I said, imperialist arrogance leading to failure.
So now, it seems, they are getting really itchy about Iran.
So, it seems they are preparing to reinstate The Draft. After all, recruitment is way down, since Americans have begun to realize that Iraq is much more of a human meat grinder than a meal ticket to the American Dream. So, because we couldn't convince people based on patriotism, flag-waiving and idolatry of Dimson, we are going to force them into fighting for Unca Dick's and Poppy Georgie's bank accounts,
probably by some frightening new 9/11 sequel.
Yeah, riiiight. If it should come to another 9/11 ploy, I think the FReepers will go for it, since they're all too dense to know any better. However, those college kids you mentioned above still think of themselves as being free, even if they also seem to
think of authoritarianism as being "cool". Somehow, I think many of them will be snapping out of that nonsense when the suits come looking for them to be good little subjects of that "cool" authoritarianism. If there is any truth to the Draft rumor, I think our ranks on the streets are about to swell.
So, to pull this all together, the Bushies, because of demand for Oil outstripping supply, and the implications of this for our mind-numbing, pacifying, sill relatively prosperous economic situation (and by that I mean no blood yet in the streets), are becoming increasingly desperate to get a handle on the situation. They need to somehow implement their plans while distracting/convincing/mind-numbing the people enough to play along. But Iraq is proving to be a failure, and the support for continuing the war is steadily dissipating. Not only this of course, but GOP Congressional Kingpin and Bush ally Tom DeLay is in trouble (i'm going on Sally at AW's prediction here), and more scandals
seem to be brewing.
These people are desperate for a distraction (i.e.
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=102x1326583">Schiavo). But desperate actions often lead to devestating mistakes. The BFEE/NWO/Neo-Cons/Big Oil will make the big push to attack and invade Iran.
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=102&topic_id=1319437#1319521">But Russia, China, and the rest of the world see this, and are making their preparations to dump the dollar, to hold off or even stop the US in its' tracks. Big Economic Trouble, in caps.
No wonder Bushie-boy pleaded with Huges to come back. He needs mama to fix things, but even mama can't help him out of this mess. Not this time.
At any rate, to tie this back to what I said earlier about the Bushes/NWO not getting their way, I think Iran is going to be pivotal. It will rally the world together in a sort of "counter-NWO" against the US, while finally sparking some very significant scrutiny of Bush among the media (i.e.
media reversal via Uranus right now), and if the Draft is true, the people themselves will wake up and really get involved.
There's still much more I have to say, but I'm pretty much down to rambling here for now. Tell me what you think, and let's talk next about the coming wave of self-sufficiency. Hand in hand with the breakdown/restructuring of authority and peak oil, that seems to be
another thing we're seeing foreshadowed before Pluto enters Capricorn.
I'll also leave you with this, from The Mountain Astrologer:
Mid June 2008: The Full Moon at 27° 50' Sagittarius is conjunct Pluto at 0° Capricorn. Mars at 22° Leo opposes the Chiron-Neptune conjunction along the lunar nodal axis. One possibility, with Chiron-Neptune in Aquarius that year, is the formation of local groups specifically focused on self-reliance and prosperity through alternative approaches to food and energy production.
I don't think it's too early to start now: www.communitysolution.org/agraria.html